Chapter 8

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This summer has been very hectic so far and it just started. I have had already two big trips and I'm going on another one in a few days. The first trip was to Perú which I was able to go to with my mom and a few friends since it was a school trip. After that was this trip to Bayside University, and the next one would be in two days to another University.

After all that had happened, I sure couldn't wait any longer for this other trip. I wonder how many more people I'll meet. Will this summer love journey continue? I sure hope so... After this amazing experience, when I arrived at East Pike University I couldn't help but feel a little let down. As time passed by, I realized that the people were completely different and you were on your own. It wasn't this completely set up summer program like the previous one. Here, most students came along with friends which meant that I would have to find a way to fit in to one of the already formed groups. In one of the bus rides we took to get from New York to the University, I met a guy named Adrien Martial. He was something else; cheeky, funny, fun, sweet but devious, and extremely smart. When we met, things were a little awkward since he wasn't really the talking type, but a few days later, we became inseparable; best friends. Even though I didn't know him for that long, he was the type of person that I could trust with everything. I somehow completely opened up to him, and he opened up to me. He told me all about his life, what he was going through at the moment, and I did the same. I told him all about Nicholas, and since he was such a tease, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it.

One night at East Pike, the student staff members threw us a welcome party and I met another guy. Side note; incase it's not obvious by now, I prefer having guy friends over female friends. They're much more fun to me and they don't gossip half as much as the girls I attempted to bond with the first few days here. Anyways, his name was Drew Smith. I met him while I was at the party standing alone in a corner because my friend ditched me to go talk to her crush. So, Drew walked up to me and we started talking. He was actually very nice so after that night, we kept talking and I decided to invited him to go for a walk with me one day. I guess he misinterpreted the friendly-walk and on our night out, he told me he wanted to kiss me. Even though I had said no, he attempted to kiss me and when he saw I wouldn't budge, he got mad. My first kiss was almost stolen! As a result, he got really upset with me causing us to stop talking and I was left alone that night to over think everything which resulted in me feeling bad for what had happened. 

That night I had my mid-life crisis and I couldn't help but break down since I had never been put in a more uncomfortable and painful situation. After all, Drew knew I liked someone, I just didn't think he would think it was him. When I got to my room, I quickly called Adrian to ease my mind. And not only that, but for some reason he always knew what to say to cheer me up and of course, in no time I was laughing again. After we hung up, I texted Nicholas and told him what had happened. In all of this, after giving me guy-advise, he told me; "yea I'm also glad [he didn't kiss you], ur first kiss should be someone u kinda like at least". Nicholas Spade was happy I hadn't had my first kiss. What? Is this real life? Someone pinch me...

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