Chapter 7

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"What's meant to be will always find a way."

After leaving the program and being reunited with our families, we all went our separate ways. Some of the students were leaving that same day to their homes and others like me, were staying a couple more days. When I got in the car with my mother, I couldn't help but start crying. I had been trying so hard to be strong back when we were saying goodbye, that as soon as my mom asked me about the program, I started to cry. I cried all the way from the University to the hotel. That was a good 15-20 minutes. It had been such an amazing experience and I had had so much fun, that I couldn't help but get emotional. They were happy tears, don't get me wrong though.

That afternoon, I made it my mission that no matter what, Nicholas and I could never stop talking. Even if in the end it meant sending a text message that potentially ruined everything for months. The little naive me got so caught up on wanting to keep talking, that I didn't realize what the message I sent him did...

"I didn't tell you this face to face because I would've started crying. But to me you're extremely special. You're like the brother I never had. ❤️" This single message changed our title forever. I now got myself into the brother-sister zone... Something much much worse than the dreaded friend zone. "😄😄😄❤️❤️❤️ I feel the same wayy. Promise me that we'll stay in contact." What have I done? Why would I send him a message saying that? These questions still; to this very day, haunt me. Could it be possible for me to ever leave this "zone"? Or will I end up being his "cute little sister" for the rest of our lives?

I've always had this thing with the emoji's. I've always seen certain faces as maybe a bit more sarcastic and fake than others, but we simply use them to not seem hurt, or to not hurt who we're texting at some points. To me, the "😄", is a very painful smiley face. Could it be possible that his heart sank at that very moment when I brother-zoned him? However, in the end you know, he did have a girlfriend and maybe it was best for us to see each other as siblings for now.

He was leaving this same day to go back home. He told me he had to get a connecting flight since he lived far away and so did I. The only difference is that I would have to get two connections and he only had to get one. We talked throughout the rest of the day. He kept me updated when he was at the airport, when he was taking off and when he landed. After he landed, he had to wait at the airport for a few hours, until his next flight. In the meantime, I was with my mom dropping off my luggage at our massive and luxurious hotel room, and then proceed to go walk around and grab something to eat at the mall.

The day after was my flight. I was going to the exact same place where he had to go to to get his connection. When I let him know that I had arrived, I wasn't expecting much of a response because he would already be home and I figured he was going to catch up on his sleep. However, things didn't really go as planned. He told me that he had to stay there over night because there was bad weather and as a result, they cancelled his flight. He had to stay over at some relatives house whom he'd never met before. So not only did he get to meet new cousins and family members, but I suddenly realized that we were in the same place... at the same time...

NEW! iMessage to: Nicho

Him: "my flight last night got cancelled"

Me: "WHAT?!"

Him: "I stayed over at my uncle's house. Now my flight leaves at 11"

At this point, I realized what this meant. We were both in the same place. But could it be possible that we were leaving in the same flight? That's most likely not going to happen. After all, he had already told me they were boarding. I guess there's two flights going to the same place... Anyways, we kept talking. I was eating a bag of some delicious white cheddar cheese popcorn they had shown us back at the program and since he had told me that they were boarding, I told him "have a good flight" and proceeded to catching up on the past weeks drama on twitter. As I kept chewing on my new addiction and talking with my mom, she suddenly noticed something.

"Taylor, isn't that your friend from the program?" she told me pointing out to where the person was walking. "Huh? Who-- oh my god Nicholas!" I couldn't believe my eyes. Could it be? Was he actually walking past my terminal? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? "Nicho-- oh for God's sake..." Just when I thought he hadn't heard me since he kept walking, about five seconds later he walked back and turned his head to where he had heard the voice.

"No way! Is it really you?" was all he could say as I got up and ran up to hug him. "Oh my god! But I thought you said your flight was boarding!" I asked him. I was in pure shock. As we hugged as if there were no tomorrow, the terminal went quiet. All eyes were now on us... When we released from the hug and I noticed everyone looking I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "So when is your flight leaving? What's your terminal?" When I asked, he checked his boarding pass and suddenly nothing made sense.

Everything started to turn out just like a romantic movie. Where a boy and girl meet, they're together for a while but because of life, they have to go separate ways and in the end, fate brings them back together in the strangest places. In my case, the airport. The place were the most sincere hugs and kisses are given... We were both leaving in the same flight... Who would've thought that his flight was going to end up cancelled and that a day later, we would see each other again unexpectedly? But would this be it? Is this how our story would end or is this just the beginning?

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