Love You

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Cole walked down the hallway in silence, constantly replaying the scene in his head.

Ryan pinned against the wall, Kacey forcing himself on her. His hand sliding up her shirt. Him kissing her. Cole could hardly stand what he saw, so he punched Kacey.

He had barely known Ryan but for some reason he felt this need to protect her. Maybe it was because she was new, or the fact that she was the only girl. Whatever it was he didn't want anything happening to her.

It's the same feeling when he met Leo. The first day of their freshman year at Woodrow when Cole and Leo met, Cole felt the same as he does now. He felt the need to protect Leo, even though he knew Leo could hold his own, he didn't want anything happening to him. Especially now since he's done so much for Cole.

Cole is one of the schools star athletes in track and field, but his grades weren't doing so well so Leo-who is a complete math wiz- offered to tutor Cole. Through that they became best friends, more like brothers.

Leo even agreed to help Coles family when they fell into debt. Leo has done a lot for Cole and because of that Cole didn't want anything happening to him, especially since he wants to pay him back someday.

"Hey man, what you doing?" A voice called snapping Cole out of his thoughts.

He looked up to find Leo walking towards him.

"Oh hey, um nothing." Cole answered casually.

"Nothing? Really? Then why do you look so down?" Leo asked.

Cole just shrugged and Leo laughed.

"You know you can't lie to me right?" Leo said ruffling Cole's hair and swinging an arm around Cole's shoulders.

"Haha, ya I know. It's just..." Cole trailed off.

"It's just..." Leo motioned for him to continue.

"Ok." Cole began to explain what he saw earlier and Leo, although mad, wasn't surprised. It sounded like something Kacey would do.

"I swear if someone doesn't kill that little punk soon, I'll do it myself." Leo threatened.

"Please, that's fine by me." Cole chuckled.

"So you really knocked him out?" Leo asked.

"Yep." Cole smirked.

"Ha, amazing. Well little brat should of seen it coming." Leo smirked.

"No what you did this morning, that was amazing." Cole trailed off.

"Oh no, that was nothing. How'd you here about that anyway?" Leo asked..

"Ryan told me. And, yes it was, I especially enjoyed the line "Jae ass kissing bullshit." Very good choice of words I might add." Cole commended Leo.

"Why thank you my good sir." Leo said in a British voice. "It's true though."

The two laughed as they both walked down the hall, Leo's arm still around Cole.

They made their way to the roof, and once they got their they immediately walked to the middle of the area and sat down on the ground next to each other, even though there was a perfectly good gazebo they could use.

They sat in silence for awhile, watching the sun until someone spoke.

"Hey man?" Cole chimed in.

"Ya?" Leo wondered.

"What do you think will happen? After high school I mean. Do you think we'll still see eachother or will it be the complete opposite? Because I don't want that to happen." Cole stated and Leo gave him a small smile wrapping his arm around Cole's shoulders again, and pulling him in closer.

"Listen bro, that's not gonna happen. You're like a brother to me. I wouldn't want to lose you either." Leo reassured.

"Ok it's just that you've done so much for me and-" Leo cut him off by putting his hand over Cole's mouth.

"Listen, I feel the same way. Honestly if I couldn't see you anymore, I don't know what I'd do, fall back into depression maybe." Leo said.

"Dude, don't say that." Cole commanded.

"No, I'm serious. You're the reason why I was able to get out of that state of mind. And if you left I don't know what I'd do." Cole smiled at his comment.

"Wow...I didn't know you were so in love with me." Cole smirked.

Leo pushed him away and scoffed.

"Ha, don't flatter yourself."

"Oh come on you know you love me." Cole teased.

"I never said that." Leo denied.

"Wow two full years of friendship, and not one "I love you, bro" wow, just wow." Cole whined jokingly.

"Fine, I love you bro. You happy?" Leo asked impatiently.

"Ya very much so." Cole smiled. "Love you too, man."

I felt like the picture at the top best represents the relationship between Cole and Leo,
Don't you think?

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