Day 8: Shut Up

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"Shh, you'll wake them." Ryan heard someone say but she ignored it and kept sleeping.

"Aww, they're so cute." Another voice said.

"Shut up."

"What you jealous?"


"Can you shut up." Ryan finally woke up.

She sat up to look at who was talking.

Leo and Cole.

'Ugh, really' she thought.

"So how did you sleep?" Leo asked.

"Shut up." Ryan said coldly.

"Uh, Ryan you have a little problem." Cole pointed to her exposed chest.

She was so tired she didn't even notice the blanket that was covering her slid off.

She quickly pulled her shirt together to hide her chest.

"Busy last night, huh?" Leo teased as he gestured towards Jae who was still sleeping.

"U-uh." Ryan stuttered.

"No we didn't and please shut up I'm trying to sleep." Jae chimed in his eyes still closed.

"Ok whatever you say. And no get up we have school." Leo informed.

"What time is it?" Ryan asked.

"5:30." Cole said.

"What?! School starts at 7:30 what are you doing up so early?" Ryan asked annoyed.

"We were out last night and ended up going to the Hooter's uptown. Then we went to the park to just chill and we ended up staying later than we thought." Leo explained.

"Ok, then why didn't you go back to your dorm and why did you have to wake us?" Jae asked as he sat up.

"I didn't go back because I didn't want to, okay." Leo teased.

"Ok well then leave, and let me sleep." Jae commanded.

Jae snuggled back up into the couch and tried to sleep but was cut short because of the never ending talking from Leo.

"Oh really, why didn't you go back to your dorm?" He questioned Jae.

"Because I was helping Ryan and ended up falling asleep." He explained.

"Helping, ya sure right."

"Ok, that's it I'm done." Jae quickly got up off the couch and headed towards the door.

"Where you going?" Ryan asked.

"Back to my dorm to sleep and get away from this smartass." Jae snapped before leaving.

"Oh someone's not a morning person." Leo joked.

"Yeah and neither am I, get out." Ryan stood up buttoning her shirt.

"Oh come on." Leo pouted.

"No, get out." She began to push Leo out the door but Cole stopped her before she pushed him all the way out.

"Oh, come on Ryan. Please." Cole begged.

"You too." She commanded.

"What? But this is my room."

"Yeah and right now it's mine, out. Out, out, out." She pushed them out.

"Oh come o-" they were cut off by Ryan shutting the door in their faces."

"Uh, finally gone." She sighed in relief.

She headed back over to the couch and later down. She needed the rest today was going to be a long one.

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