Say Something...

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"Oh you heard that." Ryan said.

"Yeah..... Hey listen about what happened last week I-"

Ryan raised her hand and cut him off.

"No what's done is done, just leave it." She started to walk away but Jae caught her wrist.

"Ryan please can we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about." She turned to him.

"Yes there is. I want to know how you feel, because honestly this has been driving me crazy. I haven't felt this way in a long time so please just tell me something." He pleaded.

"I don't know....I'm sorry." She pulled her wrist out of his grasp and began walking.

"Well it's better than nothing." He said to himself.


"Ugh I'm an idiot." Leo whined as he walked through the fair.

"Yes, yes you are." Angel agreed.

"Gee thanks. What no, oh it's okay or you'll do better next time bud."

"Bud? Really?" Angel raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah true you wouldn't say that." Leo agreed.

They took a seat in chairs set up near the relay race track.

"I heard Cole is hosting the race." Angel said.

"Really? He didn't tell me. Well we actually haven't talked a lot since, since-"

"Since we became friends." Angel finished.

"Yeah, but you know what who needs him."

"You, you need him. He's your best friend."

"Yeah but if he isn't gonna except you then what friend is that." Leo complained.

"Why do you care so much about his approval of me. I mean I'm me. You used to hate me." Angel wondered.

"I didn't hate you I just didn't understand and I-"

"Cut the crap you hated me."

"Yeah you're right I hated you." Leo chuckled and she smiled. "So tell me what does your brother think of our friendship?"

"Oh he loves it." She said sarcastically.

"Oh really do tell."

"Yes, he says some of the most enduring things. He actually said that if I go anywhere near you again he'll cut of your balls."

"Oh, well he seems like a jolly fellow." They burst out laughing.

Once they calmed down they heard something over a loud speaker.

"Can every participant in the relay get ready we will be starting soon." They announced.

Multiple people cheered while others ran over to the track.

"Well this will be fun." Angel said giving Leo a bright smile.

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