Why You...

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"So what are we doing today?" Angel asked.

It was morning and everyone was eating the breakfast Auntie Chan had made for them.

"I don't know." Jae shrugged.

"What! Your the Korean here!" Leo exclaimed.


"So you should know what we're doing?" Leo said.

"I have an idea." Auntie Chan chimed in.

"What?" Jae asked.

"Why don't you take them to the Seoul Tower." She suggested.

"The what?" Leo asked.

"The Seoul tower, you know a tower in Seoul." Jae said.

"I know smartass. I was just wondering exactly what it is."

"Like I said it's a tower in Seoul."

"Okay, you know what I am so done with you. You think you're real funny don't you?" Leo asked pointing a finger at Jae.

"Yeah, kinda." Jae smirked.

"Well your not." Leo whined.

"Really?" Jae said as he took a sip of his water.

"Yeah. And you think your so great with your good looks and deep voice and abs. Well news flash buddy your not." Leo was standing now and every one couldn't help but laugh at his foolishness.

"I don't know I think I'm pretty incredible." Jae stated confidently.

Leo sighed then just grinned.

"Why you cocky son of a bitch." He said shaking his head.

"Thanks back at ya, cocksucker." He spat.

"Jae!" His aunt exclaimed hitting is arm.

"Even if I was I wouldn't want to touch your nasty shriveled dick with a ten feet pole."

"The fact that say you've seen it proves my point."

"If I wanted a bitch I would've bought a dog. Oh wait no you would've eaten it anyway." Leo snapped.

"At least I'm not eating dick."

"Your just mad because your dick is so small because you took 3/4 of it and shoved it into your personality."

"Well my middle finger gets a boner when it thinks of you." Jae said racing his middle finger and his aunt hit him again.

"I would love to insult you but it looks like nature already did."

"Yeah but I'm not insulting you I'm describing you."

"You know what I saw something that reminded me of you today. But don't worry I flushed and everything went back to normal." Leo grinned and everyone burst out laughing.

"Hey Leo I have a poem for you. Roses are red violets are blue, I have five fingers the third ones for you." A series of 'Oohs' came from everyone and they all laughed.

"You know-"

"Okay, okay ladies you're both pretty calm down." Angel cut Leo off before they could continue.

"But he-"

"No I don't want to hear it." She raised her hand to stop him.







"Oh fine." Leo sat back down and everyone calmed down

"So what are we doing today?"

Damn son! Savage!

I would just like to say if anything in this chapter offended you I'm sorry.
I did it in good fun and for the sake of the story.
But if you did find it funny, awesome.
So anyway please vote for my story and I hope you're still enjoying.

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