The Prologue

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My name is Stephanie Gray. A young girl— barely out of preteens with my 14 years, you could say. British, from a small village in the middle of nowhere that is just barely large enough to have a school and simultaneously not have a school, as it's shared with the villages around but closest to our village so they say it's ours.

I'm a nerd, my nose always stuck in the books. Furthermore I'm that one kid who's the unlikely friend of the popular kids. I'm a loner. And most of all, I'm a cliché. But hey, I can't help it.

I know I sound boring, but dare to look closer. I am so much more than just Stephanie Gray, a nerd, a loner, a cliché, a nobody, because I...

Actually, no. Let me explain how I got there, first.

It all started with a dream. It was a few months before my fifteenth birthday, and I still look back at that morning with a thousand-and-one what-if's. That was the day that would change my life forever, and not quite in the way I had expected it to.

Hey everyone!
So, for those who've already (started) reading this book, you'll know that I've rewritten this prologue entirely. For those who are new to this story, welcome! xD

Now, this is my first published story on Wattpad. It's entirely original, but I need you to know that this story isn't entirely mine. In fact, most of it is actually Mr_Rorlord's work. It's just that the character this story specifically is about, Stephanie, is mine. And so is this story. It's complicated. The point is that this story is part of a larger universe that was created by my friend and then I added some characters and such. That's what I'm trying to say.

Two more things. First off: This story can be very confusing. Do NOT be afraid to ask me about anything you don't understand fully and I'll let you know if I can explain without giving you any spoilers. Seriously. Because it'll be no fun if you try to read this and you don't understand what's going on half the time.

Secondly: if there's anything like grammar mistakes or stuff like that, feel free to point them out and I'll try to do something about. I'd really appreciate that.

So uhm, yeah. I hope you all enjoy this story of mine.

Xx Rissa

The Last Defender (FINISHED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें