Chapter 7: The Notebook

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I woke up a few hours later. I looked outside. It was, I estimated, probably about 1 in the afternoon (I thanked my dad mentally for the survival lessons). I could hear the defenders talking and laughing downstairs. Me and my friends used to have moments like those, I thought. I shook my head rapidly when I realized that I had thought it as if it could never happen anymore. I assured myself that, of course it could, and there was nothing to be worried about, and I would get home. Eventually.

I decided to look at the stuff in the bookcases, because aside from books, there were also several objects there. One of the first things I noticed, was the pair of daggers, two leather gloves, that Ellarian had given Diana when she was a little girl. There was also a worn belt with two scabbards. I had not seen it before, but I figured someone gave that to Diana when she grew older.

I must admit that I was very tempted to try them out. But never before had I handled twin blades before. I had had medieval sword fighting workshops (they were awesome, thanks for asking), but that was just to be used in plays and, yes, cosplay. And I didn't want to do anything wrong and poke my eye out or something. I hesitated for a little longer, and I would've actually grabbed them and probably accidentally killed myself, had my door not been opened at that moment.

I sat down on the bed as the newcomer spoke.
'Hello, Stephanie,' he said. I smiled. I didn't recognize his face. But I recognized his voice.
'I see you still haven't learned how to knock?' I said.
Skyal sighed. (Yes, Skyal. That guy who's name was mentioned once before. Don't worry if it doesn't ring a bell. It took me a moment, too, to remember his name.)
'Yes,' he said, 'I know you have a link with Diana.'
I frowned, seeing my chance to find out what the hell was going on.
'A link... How so exactly?'
'You don't know, do you?'
I shook my head.
'I had these dreams,' I admitted. 'At first, I didn't see them for anything more than dreams. But then, Dino said something. I think it was something like "by Solaris, this is easy". I had heard Solaris before, in the dreams. But I have no idea how I suddenly got those dreams.'

Skyal seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then he grabbed a black notebook-type thing from the bookcase and tossed it at me. I caught it, then inspected it. It didn't seem very special. It's much like this one, in fact.

(A/N Use your imagination)

I looked up at Skyal. 'Sky,' I said, then hesitated. I remembered that Diana used to call him Sky, but I wanted to make sure. 'May I call you Sky?'
He smiled and nodded, 'yes, you may.'
'What is this?' I asked.
'Read it. It'll make things clear for you. At least, they should.'
I stared at the book. It seemed too insignificant to tell me about everything. But nevertheless, I looked back at Sky and thanked him, and he turned around, satisfied that I was going to do what he wanted me to do. I opened the book, and immediately got dragged along with the story that the simple diary of a girl told.

Quite a time ago, back BEFORE some evil force attacked Ionica, there were a boy and a girl. They were both in their early teens, about 14. The boy was the Solaris' son, Skyal. The Solaris was like the ultimate leader. The girl... Well... That was me. My name's Diana. Diana Stevens. And I might get in trouble for saying my name. But so be it. I am what you call a mage. A witch, if you will. Except I don't need a wand to do magic. But there's a price for that. A terrible price, in some cases. For one, in the beginning, the most basic spells like a fire blast can take most of your energy, which will cause you to pass out, in some cases. And if you're not careful, that can happen even when you're more experienced. But there's more. You see, I could be seen as a fugitive. There is something called Wiumdra. It's a school, where magi have to go to control their powers. And their demons. It's a necessary thing, and I can see why. You see, all human magi have demons trying to take them over to do bad stuff. All elves are magi, as well. But they don't have demons. There is a secret to that, which most of them don't even know. There are 20 elves who've been made immortal in exchange for them telling the human magi about the secret. They're the Custodes Magicae. And I'm going to get in trouble with them if they ever find out about this. Not like I'm worried. They wont find me here anyway. So I had to find my own way of keeping the demon away. I did it (cliche, I know) with music. I sang, I played guitar. It worked, really well. The only problem was that the demon got more and more resistant. And I was hiding it from the people around me (which was basically Skyal and his dad) for a very long time. Although I'm nearly completely convinced that they knew. At least Rod, as I was allowed to call Sky's dad, did. And later, Sky did, too. But now to get back to the story.

This is where I closed the book. Maybe Sky was right. Maybe this was going to explain everything... I mean, where before, I had had no idea what the terms "Custodes Magicae" and "Magon Thanatoi" meant. I mean, they sounded Greek, or Latin... But that's not really my preferred era. Now, at least, I knew what "Custodes Magicae" was. Some type of.. Teacher.

Now, I opened the book again and reread the first part.

No wand necessary to do magic, with a price.

Basic spells, all energy. Fire blast.

Magi. Demons.

I put two and two together, in my mind. What had happened three days ago.. That was definitely magic. And I didn't have a wand. I had passed out with a basic spell. Did this mean...

I was a mage?


Yep, that was the end. Are you guys proud of me for keeping my promise? I know I am. And I think this was a good chapter. It was fairly easy to write, and I got it done before the deadline. And there was a cliffhanger, which is going to stimulate me to continue writing. Gosh, guys, I'm doing so well, if I do say so myself. I introduced a new character, made you discover some sh*t, introduced a new mechanic, if you can call it that, kept it over a 1000 words, was finished before my deadline and ended in a cliffhanger. Damn.

Oh, btw, about that new "mechanic"...

So, it's Diana's Diary, if you hadn't noticed. But what I was going to do, was maybe publish that separately. Because I have it all written out on paper, so I may as well make it a sort of prequel sequel that happens to be on-going at the same time as this.

So give me feedback, but this is my idea: I publish a few chapters of Diana's Diary whenever it's necessary. Then, when I come to the point that Stephanie reads that part, I tell you which chapter(s) to read of the diary so you're synced.

Either that, or I'll just put the parts in here, but that'll be a sh*tload of work and it'll get confusing.

The last option is just that Stephanie refers to it sometimes without the information actually being anywhere. So, for example, if this weren't here, Steph could say something about Rod without giving more info (other than, once, saying that he was Sky's dad and she read it in Diana's diary).

So let me know in the comments what you think is the best idea.

You should know me by now, I'll upload as soon as possible. That could take two days, but it could also take a month. If it does, so be it. I'm really sorry, but school is busy, and sometimes, like when I'm writing with the defenders, I get stuck and I don't want to bother Mr_Rorlord every five minutes with another question because I'm stubborn, and besides, he has a life as well (yes, I do know that, trust me. Usually I just ignore it, though), and it makes me feel like a damned idiot.. Anyway.

Xx Rissa

P.S. AidanCavush soon it's you're turn. Don't think you wont be bothered with endless questions. (And here's a joke for the RA fans out there. I'll be like Will in his youth (and I guess later, too xD), damnit.)

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