Chapter 12: The Research

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It took a long time for the others to reassure me that things weren't all going to shit. I was about to start legitimately panicking when Racer reassured me by saying that I was currently literally surrounded by some of the most powerful people in Ionica, and all they did all day was making sure the planet was safe.

When I did finally calm down somewhat, Skyal suggested that I should head back to my room and rest for a bit, as I looked very pale. I muttered that I always did, but I went anyway. Near-panic is tiring, let me tell you.

When I did get back to my room, I sat down on my bed. How were the others so calm about this, I wondered. I had to remind myself that this was normal to them. I mean, their job is literally to save the planet when it's necessary. You get used to impending danger.

When I finally realized this fact, I decided to do some studying. Ionican culture was, obviously, different from human culture, and now that I realized how dangerous this place really is, it might be handy to know a little more about it.

Skyal had managed to get me several books, in English, about Ionica. Quite frankly, I found them quite interesting, but Sky had made it sound like it was the hardest task ever and I'd better be thankful and yadayadayada. That's how I found out there aren't many books on Ionica. (Seriously, I thought, how do these creatures live?)

I quickly noticed from the Ionican terms (such as Solaris) used in the books, that Ionican was quite similar to Latin and Greek, although, according to said books, it was the other way around.

From what I read, I picked up that Latin has more grammar rules, or at least different ones. To pick an example- and I'm not a Latin expert, so don't quote me on this- there is no way, in Latin, that a word like "Solaris" could have a plural form like "Solari."

In case you were wondering, the Solari were the godlike Ionicans who ruled the planet before the defenders.

Another interesting thing I learned about was the biology of Ionicans (sheesh, I feel like a little kid telling their mom what amazing things they learned in school today). They are what you call energy beings, which is pretty much what it sounds like. They're basically made out of energy.

Their bones are made of a metallic substance, their flesh is solid energy, and their blood is blue. Strangely, I had noticed this fact before, but had never realised the significance of it. Lastly, instead of a heart, they have a source, stored in the source chamber which is about where a human's heart would be. An Ionican can only truly die if this source is extinguished.

This would make you think there would be a massive overpopulation, right? Well that's the best part: Ionicans don't procreate like humans do. That's because they don't have to. The planet does it for them.

It's a long story and, while I'd love to write out the whole thing, it would take me way too long and I'd just end up trailing off every five minutes. That's why I'm going to summarize it to the best of my abilities.

A really long time ago this guy named Solarinus felt like creating a planet. So he did. Or rather, he made a planet inhabitable. That planet was Ionica. In doing so, he became the core of the planet. Now, the core is the thing that provides the planet with everything, from energy to light (the planet doesn't have a star, like we have the sun, to provide light, so the core has to do it itself), but also the people. Whenever this happens, they pop up by a place called the Solarinus well.

Then they have to make their way through the surrounding landscape (they call it the Enascor Plateau) and if they do, well, they have to see from there on out what they're gonna do with their lives.

Well, that wasn't so bad, was it? One thing about Solarinus that I found interesting was that everyone accepts this as true history, even though, the way the books describe it, to me, it sounds more like mythology than anything else. Then again, I was on a foreign planet full of creatures made out of solid energy who all have powers while I, too, had powers, and the fact was that, for that matter, I shouldn't be more than mythology, either.

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