Chapter 1: The Dream

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That Saturday morning, I woke up at 4:07 a.m. And I knew exactly why. It was because today was the day I had been waiting for all week. I had applied to a boarding school, and I'd hear whether or not I'd would be admitted. Even after so long, I know I'll never forget the name of that school, Birchwood school of Arts, an ordinary name for a school full of creative people who had more than just their creativity, like me. And I was well aware of the fact that most people came out of that school with massive success ahead of them. So I figured it would change my life if I got in. It was the type of school that made creative people better at what they were good at. Me myself, I was good at playing musical instruments, and that's including my voice. I also wrote stories, and would love to get professional lessons, but it was a long shot anyway that I'd be accepted, they'd probably pick some child prodigy who had played piano from the moment they were born, or painted beter than Van Gogh from their 5th. It was a very small and selective program. It was just because my friends and parents had convinced me, and because I strongly believe that if you don't try, there's no way of getting what you want, no matter what, and then, lastly the fact that I had wanted this all my life, that I had applied in the first place. Yet... The doubt had kept me awake for days.

So when I woke up so early on that Saturday morning, I was surprised I had woken up, because I hadn't even realized I'd fallen asleep in the first place. After a few minutes, I felt my eyes getting heavy again. I turned around in my queen sized bed so I was in a warm position again. I felt myself falling asleep this time, and I cherished the deep satisfaction of falling asleep after such a long time of insomnia.

But then I was dreaming.

It was especially weird, because I still remember the dream vividly, and I hardly ever remember dreams any longer than an hour after waking up.

It was as if watching my life flash before my eyes, except that.. I didn't recognize anything at all in the dream. Still, it felt strangely familiar.

I was in a camp in a beautiful forest. But... the camp was full of non-human creatures. I looked closely and saw that I was surrounded by elves. A whole lot of them were panicked and many of had wolves running along with them.

Two elves were talking in front of me. They looked like they were sisters. They both has long, straight, dark blond hair, one of them with darker hair than the other. The one with the darker hair looked about 20 years old, the other one looked about 17. They both had the same dark green eyes, but the older one had.. I don't know, a wise spark in them or something like that. She also seemed... Familiar... I couldn't place what it was. It took me a moment to realize that the two elves were speaking their own language, because I understood it perfectly. They were arguing over when the "snobs" would arrive. I was confused. I had no idea why snobs would be such a problem. I was about to ask what the big deal was when the answer came from my own mouth.

The voice coming from my mouth was definitely not mine. It was the voice of a young girl - somewhere between the ages of 5 and 7 - who spoke English, but with an accent that was definitely not my heavy British accent. Instead it was somewhere between an American accent and the accent the elves spoke with, which is beyond description. 'The vampires are coming?' the voice asked. It was obviously scared. The younger elf turned to me and nodded. 'Diana, we must go. I have to take you to safety', she said.

I felt myself look sad. I pointed at the other elf. 'What about Eliouna?' I asked. Eliouna smiled at me. 'Diana,' she said, with a very soothing but powerful voice, 'it is very thoughtful of you to ask that, but I must help the clan.' She gestured at the helpless, panicked elves behind her. She hugged me and gestured at het sister. 'Ellarian will take you to Solaris, on Ionica. He will take you in and raise you. Remember your training. Whatever happens, don't give in. You are more powerfully than you may think, young Diana. If you give in, then...' Her voice trailed off, and she looked over her shoulder once again. Then she sighed. The younger elf, Ellarian, nodded. 'We should all get going.' Eliouna inclined her head. 'Farewell, young Diana. I will definitely miss you.' She said, and she turned around and ran off, separating two elves who were fighting over a bow. Then Ellarian wrapped an arm around me and the scene shifted.

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