Saying "I Do" Means Saying "I Will"

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(Diane's POV)

I slowly woke up as the sun came through the blinds of my temporary room for the last two days. I slowly got up and shook away the sleepiness that was held in my body. I thought useless thoughts for a few seconds and then realized what day it was...My wedding.
I was to get married to Erik Destler today, the man I love and will love forever. I stretched my arms and finally got up from the un comfy mattress of the guest bedroom. I was expecting visitors in an hour, Megan would come here from Paris to be my maid of honour and my 'parents' from New York. I was partially nervous for Erik to meet my 'parents' they think I'm still a virgin. Will they accept Erik for the kind and sweet gentle man he is? I stopped thinking of my 'parents' and went downstairs to start some breakfast for myself.

"Diane!" I heard a voice sing my name as I finished walking the long flight of stairs. It wasn't Erik...I peaked my head into the kitchen and smile when I saw Megan. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Oh Megan! I cannot believe you came!" I squealed and hugged her again. It's been at least a month since I've seen her. I looked around the kitchen and saw many other people from the Academy, even Madame Giry.

"It's nice to meet you." She smiles and weakly walks to me. "I've heard so many good things about you...I'm so happy that your getting married to him." I smiled softly and hug her, she was like a mother to me. After hugging the many people in my kitchen, I finally sat down and ate the breakfast that was prepared for me. It was actually pretty good.

"Now." Madame Giry said as grabbed my plates. "It's time for you to get ready, Mr.Le Own informed me that the wedding's in an hour." I nod and get up, behind me I could hear at least twenty people walking. They sat me down on my vanity when I got to my room, this is it! I'm going to get ready and then get walked down the aisle to my future husband.

(Erik's POV)

I woke up on the couch of Nadir's hotel, I slowly got up and rub my eyes...Why was I here? Did Diane break my heart again? Did she throw me out of the house? I see a tuxedo on one of the beds and smile...I didn't get kicked out of my own house...I'm getting married to my Diane...The woman I love. Nadir wasn't in the room at the time for I decided to get ready...For my wedding...This is just unreal that a monster like me can get married to such a beautiful woman...She picked me. I finished getting my tuxedo on and smiled as I looked at myself, I felt like she changed me...The past ten months with her has made me a better man.

"Erik." Nadir smiled as he entered the room. "You look dashing! I'm sure Diane would love you in that when she sees you." I smile and pat his back, this was our day...The day we were to become one, the day that we would vow to love each other forever. I fixed my hair as I gelled it back, making it perfect like Diane loves it. I was ready...Ready to have a ring on my left finger and be with Diane for the rest of my life.

"You look great." I said as Nadir smiles and leads me outside towards the carriage we ordered, it was now off to the venue that I ordered...I would see my Diane in just a few minutes...And I would say I do.

(Diane's POV)

Finally after the last splotch of makeup was applied to my face, I was ready. I had the most beautiful wedding dress that Erik picked out for me. I looked at my pocket watch and smiled, it was time to go and get married. All the girls helped me down the stairs and towards the carriage Erik must have ordered for me. I was helped in the carriage and everyone made sure my dress wouldn't get dirty or damaged.

 I was helped in the carriage and everyone made sure my dress wouldn't get dirty or damaged

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