Goodbye New York

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(Diane's POV)

"Come on Erik!" I yell as I knock on the washroom door...Today was finally the day...We're gonna go home! We're going back to our enormous house! We're going to see the friends we made and I'm going to become a singer! But most of all...I'm going to be able to live with my husband and my two babies. "I'm coming darling." He yelled back at me. I sighed and got Christine all dressed up in a cute sun dress and Daniel dressed in a cute little onesie. They were so cute! I'm so lucky to have them and to be their mother.

Erik still didn't come out of the washroom, so I waited. I wanted to get out of this gloomy hospital which I've called home for nine months...Where I made new relationships and friendships. This place is where I saw Ryan again...He helped save my husbands life, he saved my life too. This place is where I met Mark and helped him become a better man...A man who's not a manwhore. Now he's engaged to Lexie Grey and they look so happy together. I've done so many things throughout my stay at this hospital. And I know...I'll always remember the people...My friends. Erik finally came out wearing his normal attire. He looked so handsome...So dashing. Like on our wedding day. I smile and kiss his lips softly. It lasted a few seconds before he broke it off and smiled.

"What was that for?" He chuckled and stared at me with his green eyes...The green eyes I hope to see for the rest of my life...That will watch me as I sleep and will look at me every single time we talk. "Nothing darling." I grin and grab the babies things. Erik helped me with the diaper bags and the extra things the nurse gave us. He was getting so much better, for one thing, he can walk. He needs to work out a little bit more, but besides that...My husband is perfect. I looked around the hospital room to see if I left anything. It all looked clear to me...It was going to be hard to leave...But it's the right thing to do. Erik grabbed my hand and smiled, kissing down my neck. "I'm ready to go when you are darling." He squeezed my hand slightly as I grabbed onto the babies stroller. This is it... "I'm ready darling...I've been ready since the day I got here." He chuckled as we walked hand and hand out of the hospital room.

I should be feeling happy to be leaving this place? Right? So many people die here and my Erik almost died too...I should be jumping off the walls that I'm leaving a hospital. A hospital where my ex boyfriend's are. A hospital that I cried in for months, looking down at Erik's body. But I don't feel that way or think that way. I think of it as the place where I fixed people and helped people. I helped Ryam get some help with a therapist and he seems to be doing great now. I helped Mark through his wife's lose and helped him find his soulmate...The woman I know he'll be with forever. I had Christine and Daniel here...My angels, my miracles. But most of all...This place saved Erik's and I relationship...If brought us closer together. Before all of this...We were getting a divorce, but now we're going back home to Rome together. So of course I'm going to miss this place...It changed my life and my future. The halls seemed so long...They looked like they were never ending. Erik and I just looked at each other and talked with our eyes. He touched my hand and finally began to talk.

"Thank you." He grinned. "For marrying me...Erik Destler, The Phantom Of The Opera. Especially when no one else would." That brought tears to my eyes...He made me out to be some kind of hero, when I'm just a monster. I cheated on him with two men...I'm going to tell him...But not yet, the cut that was made is too great to pull off the bandaid. I nod and squeeze his hand as well. "I love you Erik...Know that for the rest of our lives together as a couple." He grinned as we continued to walk down the hall of the hospital. This place is never ending. I said goodbye to many of the doctors and nurses I became friends with. Then I saw him...He was stand by reception waiting for a chart for his patient. I smile and let go of Erik's hand as I walk quickly to Ryan. This may be the last time I'm going to see him...I have to make the best of it...I have to let him remember me...I want him to move on from me, to live his life. Once he saw me, he smiled...He knew he would never see me again...But he still was happy for me and for Erik. I was then infront of him. I smile "Ryan..."

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