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In the cold snowy evening the streets remained empty as the snow piled up over the roads and sidewalks, making it completely impossible for anyone to withstand the cold or walk. Everything was white; the small shops, stores, and few lofts, everything was coated down with layers of snow.

Anyone who stepped foot outside was insane....yet one young man stood in the center of the small blizzard with a patient determination. Standing by a small hot cocoa stand he was wrapped in layers of coats and sweaters and scarves, every inch of his body was covered but the red glow of his nose and the sky blue of his eyes.

The young fellow took on the responsibility of the family business after the passing of his father. The family secret recipe for a hot cocoa was well known in town for years, a small little stand never growing to more but still so sturdy. He couldn't possibly let it end with his father, so for five years he continued to walk far miles to this exact area every late fall through the winter and early spring when the weather still had a chill.

It was all well at the beginning, but as the months went by to years, the town began to change. No longer needing or craving the sweet taste of something warm to comfort their souls people walked past the rolling stand as if it were another stand of an eager salesmen. But this young man was not eager nor desperate, simply patient and hopeful.

Or so he liked to believe.

With business so low and the streets so empty he couldn't help but get slowly chilled down to the core with doubt as he stood out here in the snow. Only six at night and there wasn't but a noise in the air. He lifted his arm to check his watch and again time seemed everlasting. Stuffing his hand back into the warmth of the coat he turned on his heal to sit behind the warm radiating stand where a small wooden chair was placed.

As he squat down and the chair squeaked he looked up at the sky and sighed. The fog of his breath gave such little entertainment but he knew he couldn't leave just yet. Just an hour more, he thought desperately in need of a warm bed and layers of blankets by an open fire. Leaning against the stand with its heated metal exterior he was amazed how the hot cocoa managed to stay so hot and delectable with such weather around it. An hour left of hope for today. He knew no matter how long he stayed out here not a single soul would show, but he still waited and hoped.

A huge gust of wind wrapped around him and he shivered violently.

"No, I can't." He quivered as he suddenly stood and closed up the chair to leave. Swearing under his breath and damning the cold weather he gathered all the cups and spoons and extra necessities before shoving them under the small storage. Once everything was away and hot cocoa sealed tight he grabbed the handles to push the stand forward, but a loud crash stopped his movements. A small yelp made him run but again he stopped and turned to give a questioningly glance back at his stand.

Who the hell is gonna steal that, not like anyone is willing to with this cold, he was bitter but honest and began to turn the corner. Not far he saw a girl surrounded by groceries on the floor. She had fallen like the clumsy girl she is and hadn't noticed the step going up onto the sidewalk; half her groceries soiling and the others spilling. She barely even noticed as arms wrapped around her and a voice broke her dazed trance.

"Miss, are you alright?" The smooth deep concerned voice of the young man made her blink in realization and quickly look up. Swirls of caramel met his sky blue eyes and suddenly the cold around him didn't matter.

"Oh my god you're real!" She exclaimed with a squeaky laugh that made her all the more adorable.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked as he stood her up and let her go to pick up her groceries. She was watching him for a moment, his tall figure hidden beneath so many coats and his head covered by a knitted hat. She wondered what he was doing out here in the freezing snow.

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