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The sun had set and the couple was still in a hospital room waiting for the test results. Lyla had woken up a while ago with a massive headache and her whole body hurting, medication was given to her and Edwin was able to see her. Now they sat together on the bed with their hands together and heads resting against each other.

Lyla was nervous, she hated hospitals. They only ever had good news or bad news. Not only that but the smell of everything only reminded her that they had to remove the stench of death.

At the thought she snuggled her head deeper into Edwin's neck and shut her eyes.

"Eddie, I want to go home." Her voice soft and quiet, a whisper in his ears. He placed his lips on her head and sighed.

"I know, darling, I'm sorry we have to be here. Once the results come in we can go home, I promise."

Her eyes began to water, "I want to go now, I don't like it here."

He lifted her head and wiped her tears away.

"It'll be alright Lyla, please don't cry." He pleaded wrapping his arms around Lyla, tugging her close to warm her cold body up.

"I'm so tired." She whimpered lips wobbling as she clutched onto him.

"We'll be home soon, just stay up for a little bit longer and we'll be in bed soon. Can you do that for me?" He looked down at her and she nodded. The door opened and in walked the doctor that helped Edwin when he ran through the emergency doors with an unconscious Lyla in his arms, his face though, passive and filled with exhaustion from hours up with no rest.

"Lyla Claire?" His voice laced with tiredness, asked.

Lyla nodded her head and sat straight, her hands finding Edwin's and squeezing them tight.

"Yes?" She said more boldly as she wiped her tears away.

"Is this man your...."

"He's my fiancé." She said with a gentle smile, a bit of joy filling her as she said it. The doctor nodded before sitting down across from them on one of the chairs in the room.

"We took a few tests as you and your fiancé may know. At first we thought it may be symptoms of pregnancy–"

"I'm pregnant?" She eyes widened and Edwin tensed beside her.

The doctor sighed, "I wish that were it ma'am, but no. These symptoms are more severe, with your body functions and blood tests they all match up to early symptoms of cancer...."

Her world froze.


Cancer, how is that possible? She thought as her mind began to drift off.

The doctors lips were moving but no words could be heard. Her body felt cold, hallow and Edwin's warm touch felt like nothing. A low ringing sounded in her ears and she was paralyzed.

Images running through her mind, images of her and Edwin. They were happy, living in their new home for many years to come. Two beautiful children, a boy and girl, they were such blessings. They were the perfect family, running around playing together and laughing, it was a life worth dreaming about. A life she craved to have. It was a life Lyla prayed she'd have one day.

But it slowly started to fade.

It was gone.


The moment they got home early morning Lyla refused to speak a word, walking straight into the room and locking the door behind her. Edwin of course tried to get her to open the door to talk to him but all he received was silence. He was forced to sleep on the couch on which he didn't mind, he knew Lyla needed to be alone and think. He did too honestly, he was having a hard time wrapping anything around his head.

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