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After a month of staying at Lyla's apartment, Adam and Bella decided to head back to their proper home. Lyla insisted they'd stay there longer seeing as she spent most of her time at Edwin's small, cozy house, but they really thought it best to leave the young couple alone to themselves.

The day Lyla showed her mother the ring Edwin gave her, Bella reenacted the same way Lyla did when she got it. The two women were inseparable after that, constantly talking about wedding ideas and themes. The two women never bonded more.

Adam and Edwin of course chatted, getting along well with one another. Adam was well impressed with Edwin for giving his daughter the promise ring, he remembered Edwin walking up to him nervously ready to ask him. In Edwin's case Adam was a very intimidating man to be in the presence of, but he was determined.

"Mr. Chester, have you got a moment?" It took everything for Edwin to keep his voice from wavering in nervousness. He decided that when Bella and Lyla were out doing whatever women do that it was the best chance to ask Adam. Even then with this whole day planned out he fought to find enough courage to walk up to the man and not trip over his own two feet.

"Call me, Adam, Edwin, please." He chuckled and gestured for Edwin to sit across from him, he sat and took a breath.

"As you know, I am in a serious relationship with your daughter-"

"Yes of course, go on." Adam now all ears and watching Edwin like a hawk, he gulped.

"I love Lyla, very much sir, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her-"

Adam stood up, "by god! You want to marry her!"

"NO!" Edwin exclaimed eyes wide and Adam's face fell immediately, "wait-yes! Well not now..." His face was red like a tomato.

"Then what are you getting at, boy?" Adam sat back down upset.

Edwin sighed, "I wanted to give Lyla a promise ring that would secure a future with her and eventually marriage. What I'm trying to get at is that I want to ask for your blessing, I know that it isn't necessary now but when the day comes I ask for your daughters hand......I'd like for you to approve of it." by the end of his speech Edwin's nerves were a wreck and all he could do was slouch back in the chair with a defeated sigh. Adam on the other hand was calm and collected, watching Edwin with interest.

"You really love my little girl, don't you?"

"Yes sir, very much, I wish to give her everything her heart desires."

"Even the wedding of her dreams?" He raised a brow, Edwin gulped nervously.

"In due time, yes."

Adam grinned, "then of course, son. You have my blessing."

That day Edwin left Adam feeling like a new man, confident and happier than ever. His future with Lyla was secure as he had hoped, no dumps on the road that'll disrupt his plans. At the end of the week he asked Lyla and she accepted. Everything was falling into place and Edwin couldn't be happier.

Even now as he and Lyla sat snuggled together on the bench of his front porch just admiring the blooming flowers of his garden he still couldn't find anything wrong in his life, everything seemed complete. Lyla practically lived with him and made herself at home, she spent most of her time in the garden planting flowers like she wanted to so long ago and other times she was working on their business papers.

Edwin admired her dedication to their shop and how much effort and passion she put into everything. Sometimes she did everything and refused to let him touch a single paper, he was scared he'd lose a hand one day trying to help her. But he let her do as she pleased as long as she had a smile on her face and she was happy.

Last Cup of CocoaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora