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She shouldn't have arrived so early, she knows she shouldn't have but the unsettling feeling within her wouldn't go away unless she was out and prepared. Having the tendency to do more than expected, she arrived at the café thirty minutes early. As a punishment she had to sit alone and bored. She distracted herself by watching the people walk about store to store.

The sun shone over the town giving a limited amount of warmth, but it was enough to let people roam the streets and enjoy their time. Snow still remained on the ground but thankfully none was falling. Lyla did her best to look decent and not a pink marshmallow; wearing a light pink long sleeve dress that went down to her knees and white stockings under to protect her legs from such cold. She wore light gray two inch healed shoes and a light coffee brown coat over for the finishing touch, she was indeed warm and feeling pretty.

Lyla quickly checked the time and decided to order their drinks. Up at the cash register she ordered two French vanilla mocha Latte's. Once she had them in hand she chose to step outside and sit at one of the tables placed out for those who wanted a little sun. Lyla just wanted to catch Edwin when he got here.

I hope he hasn't forgotten, she wished he hadn't, rejection never went well for her. Last time she remembered being shut down she spent a whole week pigging out on takeout and ice cream. She cringed at the memory but shut it away right after. Taking in her surroundings once again she looked around for Edwin. She hadn't had much to go by but his brilliant sky eyes and defined jaw with temping pink lips, she had no idea if he was slim or thick or even had dark hair or light hair. She was hopeless.

Yet Lyla silenty prayed he'd come, he had to when he set the date and time himself. She checked the time again and the numbers fell to 8. He had to have meant be here by eight, she thought, more like wished desperately. She couldn't take another minute alone.

"Lyla?" Oh the sweet sound, looking up she was immediately floating on air and flying through the sky in his eyes. His face wasn't covered and she was indeed breath taken, his black hair was pulled back and tucked into a beanie and glasses now framed his face. A black coat and blue jeans kept him warm and black boots for his feet.

"Lyla" he repeated and she jumped back into reality with her face burning crimson. He let her collect herself as he sat down across from her.

"How are you?" She finally asked as she slid him his latte, he looked at it with a raised black brow and she giggled, "vanilla mocha latte." Nodding his head he took out his wallet from his coat pocket and slipped out a 10 dollar bill before handing it to her. She stared at it with a frown.

"It's for the latte." He said and she rolled her eyes.

Pushing it back towards him she smiled softly, "My treat."

But he only shook his head and push the bill her way.

"I insist-"

"As do I." She laughed lightly and sipped her latte. He shook his head again but put the bill away. He brought the cup to his lips and drank the sweet warm drink.

"Nothing like my hot cocoa but still good."

"Oh nothing close!" Lyla exclaimed causing Edwin to chuckle. They fell silent for some time lost in an awkward space, but Lyla refused to let something good go to waste.

"So how long has the cocoa business stood?" She asked. Something sparked in his eyes and she smiled at the true joy it brought Edwin talking about the business.

"I believe four generations, my great great grandmother actually made it for her kids. They were poor so she had to use small ingredients in her home, it's a pretty interesting story if I could remember it." Edwin chuckled. Lyla smiled at him, a smile so simple but sweet he had to admire it.

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