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A week has passed since the arrival of Lyla's parents and things were still as good as she hoped. During work her parents decided to lend a hand, Adam in the kitchen with Edwin and Bella with her daughter at the front of the house. The new menu choices sales were exceeding, Bella giving them ideas and creating different drinks till the right one came really helped them. Edwin was more than greatful for Lyla and her parents, they helped his family legacy continue and that was more than he could ever ask for.

Now as the day began to end and they started to close up the café, Edwin cleaned up the kitchen floor one last time. Adam finished up cleaning the counter tops and dishes and went along on home with his wife. Lyla was setting chairs up on the tables, humming contently as she did. Edwin walked out and stopped when he caught her dancing as she cleaned, he admired the grace in her step and the sweet smile on her face.

There was never a day he didn't stop and think how lucky he was to have her, how impossible it seemed that such an angel like her could ever love him. He was quiet and reserved, always keeping his nose in a book when in public, or just kept to the sidelines. But then this girl with life and light falls into his life....literally. He smiled remembering that day, it seemed so long ago that they were mere strangers. But deep inside, even on that snowy day, he knew that she would have him wrapped around her finger.

He adored her, he'd do anything for her if she asked.

"You're staring." He heard her chuckle, blinking he realized she was looking at him with a smirk on those perfect lips.

"I'm admiring." He corrected, stepping towards Lyla he wrapped his arms around her, something he did on instinct now.

She giggled. "It's creepy."  Arms lifting to wrap around his neck.

He bent down slightly so their lips were centimeters apart. "It's romantic." He captured her lips refusing to let her speak. Their eyes fell closed as they got lost in each other. Lyla's heart soaring at his touch and kiss, the feeling of being so light and giddy with him is a feeling she would never get tired of.

It overwhelmed her, he overwhelmed her.

Oh how I love this man!

Breaking the kiss Edwin looked at his beloved Lyla, her blinking eyes and hazed state made him chuckle. Lifting a hand he cupped her cheek.

"I love you so much." He whispered, the feeling unbelievably pure in his heart, it was simply amazing. The pound in his chest when he looked or even thought of her, it was real.

Lyla mentally sighed, content with the words he spoke. He loved me, he really truly loved me. She could hear him say that forever and never get tired of it.

"I love you, Eddie, more than you'll ever know." She looked into his eyes, caramel and sky blue mixing together, getting lost. Silently they stayed there together by body, mind, and soul. The feelings they had for one another was strong and held them tighter than any chains. Seeing them you'll know that they loved each other, it shone in their eyes as they only ever stared at one another.

Lyla felt it, a strong pull at her heart like a string that connected to his, linking them together. Looking at this man before her she wasn't scared of anything, being with him and knowing that she would never not love him and he the same. She trusted him undoubtedly, it never slipped her mind that he might fancy another, he was too much of a gentleman and adored her too much. When she needed him he was there by her side in an instant. He was always there, watching her, protecting her, comforting her and loving her. He was her everything.

The back of her eyes stung and she blinked, a tear falling down. Edwin frowned, panic invading his nerves.

"What's wrong, love?" He wiped her tear away and hugged her to him. Lyla giggled into his chest.

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