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As the months went by Edwin stayed true to his word. He was there with Lyla through it all; her fainting, her sudden sick days where she couldn't keep food down and her days of pure exhaustion when she couldn't even stand. He stayed by her side no matter what, helping her and comforting her.

Though he was patient and understanding, it didn't mean things did not get difficult. Edwin and Lyla argued, yelled and disagreed for the first time in these couple of months, constantly bumping heads and sometimes not speaking to one another.

Yet their anger could never last more than a day, their love overlooked all frustration. So by the end of every day Edwin held Lyla at night when she found it hard to sleep and whispered stories to her till she was out like a light.

But despite their love and adoration for one another that seemed almost unbreakable, Edwin couldn't help but notice a change in Lyla. As the months went by he found it harder to convince Lyla to find reasons to get out of bed in the morning, she'd lay there and not want to move. Her smiles came less and less and he barely heard her laugh, it was as if she was losing her spirit. At times Edwin would look into her eyes and see nothing but emptiness, no life nor joy inside them that he grew so used to seeing.

His Lyla was fading.

She was only getting worse and she knew it, despite the medication, and tests, and therapies nothing had been working and Lyla had lost faith. It had been long gone and she was stuck having to accept it. Every time she looked at Edwin he reminded her of her fate. She was losing it all; her dreams, goals and ambitions. Everything she ever hoped on having was gone and it left a hallow feeling where she believed her heart once was. Yet Edwin never gave up. He kept pushing her to go on with the treatments and therapies. She wanted to give up and she told him many times before.

"Lyla, you can't give up, there still may be a chance."

"What's the point, Eddie! I'm dying! Just give it a rest won't you?"

His jaw locked, "you can't give up."

"Well I am! I am dying, Edwin! When are you going to accept that!"

"I'll never accept it!" He shouted.

It was the first time ever shouted at her.

"Just because you want to give up on yourself doesnt mean I have to!" he went on, "You are all I have, Lyla and by god I'm not letting you go that easily! If there is any chance to make you better I will take it in a heartbeat."

His words had struck something in her and left her lost for words at the sudden realization. She couldn't find it in her to fight him anymore, she hadn't had the heart. She was all he had besides their shop, but she knew that did not matter, he'd always pick her. He always chose her, he always loved her. She saw how much he was trying, how much he held everything in. His tears he fought back now showed that he wanted to be strong for her and fight through everything for her.

"Please, Lyla." His voice desperate and wavering, "please let me do this for you, it is all I can do and it tears me apart.....I love you, Lyla."

She watched as this man she adored break down in front of her, crying his eyes out and falling to his knees. She was being selfish. The thought made her sick but it was true, she was stubborn acting like a brat when this angel infront of her only ever did everything for her without complaint. He never asked anything of her, never questioned her, and never judged her. He simply adored her, and for the one time he wanted something from her–to not give up on them, she turned her head.

Without a second thought she dropped down in front of him and pulled him close. Edwin immediately clinging to her, scared that she'll disappear.

"Alright, love. I'll do it, okay?" Lifting his head she wiped his tears away, "I'll keep trying. For us."

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