Chapter I

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Kai's POV
"That's it for today. Remember regionals are on Friday and be sure you are well prepared," our track coach told us as practice was finishing up. "Kai would you like to do hurdles or the mile for regionals?" my coach asked me," uh I feel more comfortable with the mile," I said. Theres a less chance I will trip and fall doing the mile.

"Okay. See you Friday morning," coach said and walked off. I picked up my duffle bag and stood outside the parking lot to wait for mom. After 5mins I started texting and calling her. All my calls went to voicemail and she has not replied with any of my texts, which is odd considering she always replies right away and picks up my calls back. After awhile it was getting cold so I put on my leather jacket over my tank top. Looking through my duffle I forgot sweatpants so my running shorts will just have to do.

After 15mins I decided to start walking home. It is actually not far at all however mom doesn't allow me to walk home usually. But, in this case she hasn't come to pick me up so now I have no choice.

After 10mins of walking I see my house in view down the street. The lights are on and the car still in the garage. Although what bothers me is that there was two other black cars parked in the drive way as well. A bad feeling arose in me knowing this couldn't be good.

I dropped my duffle bag on the side of the road into the forest in case anything should happen. Quietly, I walked up to the door and looked through the glass window. Four guys were dressed in black and were covered by a ski mask. The thing that bothered me the most was each had a machine gun in their hands.

Knowing that they are armed I grabbed a gun from the bush and the three cases of bullets in it. Mom always kept a gun with cases in random places inside and outside the house.

I looked back through the window and saw mom getting pushed in the living room with another guy behind her. He too also had a machine gun.

I saw my moms face and it looked like she wanted to cry bit held it in. There were multiple bruises on her arms and looking at her face I could tell things did not go well. The man started yelling things at her however she didn't pay attention and kept her head down. I couldn't understand what he was saying due to the walls being soundproof. After awhile of yelling he started getting frustrated and smacked her with the back of his gun making her fall over.

I gasped and crouched down not wanting to see my mother get beaten by some stranger. While down I quickly thought of a plan on how to get my mother out safely. Think. Think. Maybe I can separate them and shoot them one at a time or create a distraction somehow.

While thinking I noticed the yelling had stopped for a couple of minuets now. 2mins to be exact. I decided to look through the window again to see what they were doing. Big mistake. I looked up and saw them all looking at me guns pointed.

My reaction was to duck and thats what I did in the nick of time. Bullets started shooting making the glass shatter some landing on me but did not do any harm. "Run Kai run! Do not look back! Run!" I heard my mother yell louder than ever.

Obeying her orders, I scrambled to my feet and started to run in the forest. The men kept shooting and two ran after me with their guns.

I looked to see if my duffle bag was where I left it only to find it gone. While looking for it I suddenly felt a sting in my right forearm. Looking back the two men started firing at me again. Having no choice I shot back making them take cover somewhere while I ran deeper into the forest. I ran in zig zag motion taking random turns here and there and always kept my eyes forward making sure I didn't run into anything or anyone. I heard the voices and gunshots get quieter, also my vision get burlier.

I could tell that I have lost a good amount of blood with the bullet wound. I felt where they hit me. They missed my bone by a centimetre but he did take a good chunk of muscle out. That's going to take forever to get back.

With no way to stop the blood I kept running hopeful to find the end of this forest and a road. Although with more blood being loss my vision become even more blurry making it harder to run or even walk.

I tripped and stumbled a lot. Falling about 20 times or more, I've lost track by now. I fell once more and tried to get up, only to fail and lay down there on the hard dirt ground. My eyes became heavy and I let darkness take over me.

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