Chapter III

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Kai's POV
It all made sense now, why mom was so protective of me, why she made me go through all those defence classes, him knowing my blood type, where I lived all that. "Does that answer your question?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head yes and walked away leaving him alone.

Maybe it was better  me not knowing my dad, but at least he might not hurt me, right? I got up and went through my duffle bag to see what I had. Clothes from school, slides, 5 granola bars, my water bottle. Not enough to last me the nights out on the street.

I heard his footsteps coming in and look to see him starring at me. "You should get to bed, your still not healed," he said and walked out.

"But wait where will you sleep?" I asked. "I don't sleep, you can have my bed and I'll keep watch," he said and walked out to the balcony maybe. Seeing as I had no choice I laid myself down and sleep came over me again.

Gabriels POV

Here is my daughter, with me in danger of some guys I angered. Whoops. Now they are on the hunt to find me and thought they could get me by kidnapping my wife and daughter. My wife is fine and I sent her to my safe house in a cave on the outskirts of Honolulu where no one should find her.

I already saw their message and what they were going to do with my family, if thats what you call it. I quickly got over there and killed the two guys in the house, the one who hit my wife was able to escape. When the two who chased my daughter came back I asked them where she was before putting a bullet in their head.

I ran through the forest in the direction I think she went. Wasn't long before I found a trail of blood and  found my daughter out cold in the forest with a pool of blood around her. I remember her heartbeat was faint, and almost dead. I picked her up and carried her to my car coming back to my place to heal her wound. I got the bullet out and blood in knowing we have the same blood type.

I was shocked when she woke up so soon. I thought she wouldn't wake up till another day or so.

My wife always sent me picture of her and would tell me briefly of things she has accomplished like straight A's, regionals for cross country and track. I may be heartless to some people but when it comes to her I feel relaxed and a little happy that she has a better life. She is probably the only thing that keeps my crime break down somewhat low.

I came back in from the balcony late at night figuring out a way for us to get to the safe house and to watch for any of his guys. She slept on the bed with blankets all around her and jacket on. Tomorrow we head out, I know they're coming to kill me and harm her. However, I couldn't take her now seeing as she is weak with her arm and might not stay as alert as I need her.

I know my daughter, winning state, defending herself, acing test and always aware of what to do. She could handle herself, however in this situation, I believe not.

I set her bag on the table so we are ready to go and put her gun with a case of bullets next to it. Of course I've got mine as well but in case if emergency.

Night turned into day and soon we were on our way.

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