Chapter V

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Kai's POV
I watched out the door to make sure no one was out there while dad was hacking into the system.

I didn't want to glance at the dead bodies laying on the ground, but I couldn't help but noticed one breathing perhaps. One of the guys in the middle I thought saw his chest move up and down slowly, or maybe it was just my imagination.

Before I could second guess myself he quickly rolled over, grabbed his gun and shot it. Me on instinct hit the ground since he was shooting up. What I did not expect was for his arm to become straight and shoot my level. Dad's gun went off as well killing him for good.

As for me it took me a couple of seconds to realize why his arm was straight and extended. For my stomach was covered in blood. "No," I heard dad whisper. I almost couldn't comprehend what was happening until dad came to pull me up, thats when the pain kicked in. "Ahh!" I yelled in pain of my abdomen and side.

Dad slung my arm around his shoulder and helped me walk somewhat steady. I clung to my stomach in pain and to try and stop the bleeding. Dad was practically dragging me back to his car I believe. The run that took 10mins to get away from the took 30mins to get back to. When we finally reached the car the only thing that was out of place was the tire, and every car has a spare in its trunk so I wasn't worried, until dad showed me the cut wires.

I sat there worried and the pain was starting to spread. Gabriel got a cloth out from his trunk and pressed it to my stomach,"ahhh. Stop-" I cried due to the pressure. "Shhhh. I know I have to stop the bleeding, you've lost too much blood already. Shush." Gabriel said holding my hand to squeeze. Tears were pouring out from my eyes and I thought I was going to faint due to the pain. Somehow I managed to bite my tongue and stay conscious.

"We have to get you to the hospital. I can't heal you here," he mumbled to himself and me. "Can you.. Umm... Call someone or an ambulance?" I asked. "No I don't have a cellphone just a burn phone which I ditch 2 weeks ago." He explained to me. I understood, why he would use a burn phone when he didn't want to be caught. "C'mon," he said lifting me up putting an arm around his shoulders and helping me to either a phone place or the hospital.

I stumbled and tripped and wobbled around. The wound pain was increasing and walking was not helping. We took some forest path which Gabriel said would take less time, however I couldn't tell anymore I just needed to rest. "I-I ne-ed to r-rest. Please," I pleaded. Gabriel set me down on a tree stump carefully for he probably needed a break just as bad as I did.

I looked at my wound and there was more blood, only it started becoming darker, almost black. My eyes felt heavy and I just wanted to take a nap. "Stay awake. You go to sleep you may never wake up. Stay with me," Gabriel said shaking my shoulders to keep me awake.

I couldn't sit there much longer and not fall asleep so I stood up using the tree to help and and started moving telling Gabriel I was ready to go. He quickly came over and put an arm around his shoulders once again. Time went slow and I lost count of how long we've been walking, 30, 40 mins maybe. Both of us were covered in sweat from the heat, dehydrated, tired, sore, me in excruciating pain.

I think we finally got out of the forest and in the outskirts of the city. Pretty soon a black dented van came wheeling around the corner, the same van that smashed into us. "O no,"
I whispered.

Gabriel quickly moved the other way and quickened his pace to get away and hide from them. He practically dragged me because I couldn't move near as fast as he could.

I remembered we turned an ally and I leaned against the wall needing support from both sides now. My stomach was burning like crazy and it was getting harder and more painful to breath. Every breath was like a knife in my abdomen.

"We can't outrun them," I think I heard his voice say in the distance. I closed my eye in pain but felt that we kept on moving at a fast pace.

Pretty soon I felt myself being laid down in a horizontal was couldn't help but let sleep take over me.

Gabriel's POV
I was now dragging Kai everywhere and running away from those guys. I looked at her, her head was down and breaths started to become uneven, her skin was so pale and eyes were closed.

I knew we couldn't outrun these guys so I did what I had to do, and that was to hide her. I laid her down behind some garbage cans. I also found a blanket to cover her body and made it look like trash. I knew this would be risky but I had to do what I had to do. There was enough of her blood on my shirt that I could easily make false blood trails and marks. I ran around several ally's going up and down leaving a little blood at each corner making them do circles.

When I went back for Kai I realized that she probably fell asleep, leaving her in a horizontal position, blanket to cover her.

"Kai wake up," I asked shaking her shoulder,"Kai wake up I'm here," I said again a little more louder.

I heard footsteps nearby and knew that now wasn't the time. Frustrated I picked her up and carried her out of the allys and into town. Lots of people starred at us, some worried, other confused. Finally an officer came up to us," what happened? What kind of help do you need?" He asked pulling over. I set Kai down as the officer was talking to get an ambulance.

Knowing she was going to be alright I left. I just ran off. "Hey, where you going boy? Hey!" I heard the officer behind me but just ignored it and kept running. Everyone probably knows my face from stuff I've done. He would turn me into five-o and I would be put behind bars forever.

All I needed to know is that my daughter was safe and had a chance.

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