Chapter VI

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News reporter

Today Kai Waincroft or better known as Kai Croft died this early morning at the hospital. Policemen say that she was carried here with a bullet wound unconscious with a man. That man ran away right after he dropped her off by the policeman. She was immediately sent to the hospital where she died in cardiac arrest and doctors could not save her. We are not for sure who the man was that dropped her off and investigators are still looking for the man.

3rd Person

Gabriel stood outside Kai's hospital room looking at his now dead daughter. Anger filled within him seeing how they killed her and how he couldn't save her. He knew there would be no funeral for her, because almost no one would come. He also knew she had something going for her, she could graduate and become successful in life, going to regionals for track. But now here she laid; dead, all that thrown away. All because of him.

After standing there for awhile he decided to go and tell his wife, who already heard the news and was in tears when he got there. From there on he didn't care anymore, he made as many enemies as possible, killed anyone who got in his way, blaming his parents as well, for if they would've taken care of him he wouldn't have to live like this and get his daughter killed.

The rest of his life was a compete mess as Gabriel fell apart.

*10 years later* (season 6 episode 24)

"Chen please look after Sophie," Gabriel gasped in someones apartment while Chin was trying to stop the bleeding from his bullet wound. "Well you should have thought about that before her mother was killed," Chin replied back harshly," Look I know what happened to her mother I know, but I couldn't do anything I have already tried," Gabriel said in desperation.

"What do you mean you've already tried, how?
You haven't done anything but trouble," Chin said not believing him,"I tried with Kai. And she's dead!" Gabriel cried out in pain and anger,"look please look after her she has a chance."

Chin didn't say anything back now wanting to make a commitment. "Here bite on this," he said putting a cloth in Gabriel's mouth to quiet his screams. Chin put a little powder in Gabriel's stomach wound and then lit it on fire for a second to stop the bleeding. By the looks it hurt like hell.

Finally the Five-O team was able to hunt the rest of her guys down and Gabriel was sent to the hospital where he died durning surgery.

Later that night Chin sat outside the hospital thinking all about what happened that day already hearing the news about Gabriels death. "You know, I thought I wouldn't feel anything when he died," Chin said to Steve who was sitting right next to him. "You know that he deserves to be put six feet under in his place," Steve said bitterly.

"I know, but, he told me to watch over Sophie," Chin said," however I don't know if I'm ready for that responsibility."

"If he actually knew about her, why didn't he do anything to protect her," Steve thought out loud. "I asked the same question to him while we were in the apartment. He said he already tried with Kai. At first I didn't know what he was talking about, then I did some research and found out that she was his daughter and that she died the same way. A bullet wound in the stomach and cardiac arrest," Chin said.

"Okay so he had a daughter just as bad as him," Steve said not caring," Well thats what I thought too, until, I did a background check and dug a little further. This girl had straight A's and was suppose to go to regionals for track the next day. She had a good future ahead, no crimes, everyone said she was a great student. But, then there was an article that wrote about how she was dropped off by a male to a police officer who then ran away soon after."

"So you think that was Gabriel?" Steve asked. "Yes I know it was. I also know it was not Gabriel who shot her because the bullets were different. I think he tried to get her to the hospital but couldn't reach it in time or something. So he didn't bother even trying for Sophie." Chen concluded.

"So Sophie has a dead sister?" Steve asked. "Yes. She would've been 25 today, probably with a job and maybe a family. There was no funeral and her burial is unknown," Chen discovered. "See with Sophie I just don't want to find her a home, I want to find her the perfect home."

"Well this is your decision my friend. I cannot make that for you," Steve said getting up.

While looking further Chen saw the resemblance between Kai and Gabriel in looks. However, he knew she has a chance to live a normal life but something got in the way. Would have Gabriel been different if she hadn't died maybe, seeing his records were significantly shorter 10 years ago. Sophie now has a chance too, but he doesn't know if he should take it.

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