Chapter IV

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Kai's POV
I woke up to the sun in my eyes blinding me. Felling more refreshed after the nights sleep I sat up as a pain quickly shot through my arm. But I dismissed it as dad came over quickly, "Your awake, grab your duffle and gun and let's go." He said in a rush and pretty demanding.

I got up and grabbed my duffle that was on the table and my gun. Man I hope I don't have to use this. I have never actually killed anyone and don't want to. He lead me out of the apartment down some stairs to his car in the back. The whole time he kept looking around for anyone and kept one hand on my back in case of anything should happen. I was tense and alert the whole time as well.

We got into his nice black car and drove off to who knows where. "Put your seat belt on," he told me. I did and we drove through chinatown and around Honolulu. "Where are we going?" I had to ask. "To the safe house, your mother is there if you were wondering," he told me. This made me smile knowing my mother was alright and safe.

We drive for almost a half hour in silence until I decided to speak,"why did you become a criminal? We wouldn't have to be separated unless you wanted." I spoke choosing my words carefully. "Because that's how I turned out." He replied. "You turned out like that? Hphm. I suppose then I should turn into the wind and fly away someday, because it seems like we get to choose our paths I heard." I said trying to lighten up the mood. "So I suppose all those mysterious gifts were from you?" I asked. He gave me a grin,"I just gave your mom the money to buy them and she would send me videos," he said. So thats why she always video taped me opening presents.

"How long do you think we'll have to stay there?" I asked in a whisper. "Until it's safe," he said. I decided to keep quiet then thinking about whats happening.

If he's a criminal then he not only has to protect himself but us to incase anyone would want to get to him. Why have a wife who you can't love properly and create a daughter who is automatically in danger? Or was it by accident? How much of a burden am I? All these questions came through my mind at that moment seeing my father fir the first time and being with him. I couldn't help but ask the one question," Am I a mistake?"

Honestly I didn't know what to expect from him. He looks and seems so heartless, it wouldn't surprise me if he said yes. After a few minutes he said,"No. I am."

I was too shocked to say anything. The rest of the car ride we decided would be silent, until we heard gunshots behind us. Another vehicle was following us with two men out the window shooting at us. The back of Gabriel's window shattered leaving us exposed. "Get down!" He yelled and turned to fire bullets back at them although did nothing but out a crack in the window.

"Take the wheel," Gabriel said and moved over so he could start shooting. He's lucky I have my permit, or he probably already knew. I saw him in the rearview mirror shoot a guy in his neck and other in his arm.

I actually thought we were going to make it, until a van came barging out of the intersection on red hitting the passengers side of his car. The hit wasn't to hard to topple us over but we couldn't drive anymore and I hit my arm again on the arm rest.

Two guys got out of their truck and started to come my way. I hid behind the steering wheel and waited for the right time to shoot. Once the one opened to door I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger and shoot then in the hand and legs. I quickly got out  and dad grabbed my by my left arm and ran into town down several ally's and up a flight of stairs.

I didn't bother to ask where we were going or where we are knowing we won't be staying long. We finally reached the rooftop of a building not knowing where to go. I looked down and saw that the guys were already coming in the building. How did they find us so soon? I looked over to  see dad looking at the next roof over. "We're going to have to jump," he said. "Jump? Where?" I asked.

He pointed towards another building west from us. It was about an 10ft gap with the height being about 7ft shorter than the building we were on. I know I went to defense school but they didn't teach us to jump from rooftop to rooftop. "Don't think about it," he said before jumping, tuck and rolling onto the other side safety. I really didn't want to jump, but the door to the rooftop started wiggling and there was a banging on the other side.

"C'mon I'll catch you!" He yelled waiting for me. I took a deep breath, put my gun in my jacket, closed my eyes and ran. The moment my feet left the pavement I tried not to panic, or freak out that would cause me to miss. I got over to the other side and like dad said he caught me. By that time the people on the other side got the door open and were too scared to jump or didn't think it was worth it to risk their lives.

So instead they started shooting at us. Me and Gabriel ran faster than ever, adrenalin pumping through my veins not wanting to get hit. He broke down the door going down a flight of steps to reach ground level.
"Kai, we have to split up, take the east stair case down, if you get there before me hide in the lobby. Go!" He quickly told me. East staircase what?

It took me 3mins to find the east staircase in which was almost hidden. I went down and in the lobby. Here before Gabriel, time to play hide and seek. I slid the couch out from the wall and squeezed myself in there crouching so if I have to get out I can quickly.

The men dressed in black again came in with their machine guns and whoever was the leader started commanding people to take this way or that so he could find us. Now I became worried about dad. Will he be okay?

There was one still in the lobby I could tell because of the sound of feet walking. I stayed hidden and hoped dad would make it down alive. Pretty soon I heard a cry of pain from the hall way then two gunshots. After that soon everyone came back down and were gathered in the lobby again.

"Show yourself!" One of the guys answered. The reply was a series of bullets ringing through the air. One by one they dropped dead. I saw dad come out and gesture for me to come out as well. "Stay here, I'm going to make sure theres none outside," he said walking out.

I looked around again to find nine dead bodies and the floor covered in their blood. Again machine guns they carried with them. Pretty soon Gabriel came back,"are there any out there?" I asked. "No. But I'm still going to check security cameras." he said going behind the desk. I stood there by the middle of the entrance watching out for anyone outside.

But what I didn't know is that the danger was inside.

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