Chapter II

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Kai's POV
I woke up with my arm hurting and my body sore. When I was fully awake I looked around and saw an old dirty apartment room, the walls were made out of cement and covered in graffiti. The room was big, although had no other light source but the windows with sun light along the top. The floors were made of concrete as well, no wood, tile, carpet. Furniture was old, worn out and dirty.

When I looked down at my arm and there was a needle in it giving me some kind of clear liquid. There was a bandaged to wrapped around and my jacket was on top of me acting as a blanket. Like if the worn up blankets around me wouldn't keep me warm enough.

I pulled the needle out knowing I wasn't in a hospital of some sort and having no clue what was given to me. I set my jacket aside for now and got up slowly so I didn't become too dizzy.

There was only one door across from me and two door cuts left and right. I heard noise from the right and decided to check it out quietly knowing that the person could be armed.

Turning to my left around the corner and saw a kitchen with a table and chair farthest from me. There a guy was sitting in the chair back facing me on a laptop. Not just a windows or macbook kind, a hard black one used for hacking into things and keeping you covered.

I walked a little closer to see what was on it. He was scrolling through a bunch of documents, to fast and little for me to read. He was also looking at several security cameras of the roads. One pointed towards my road and I could see my house, another was pointed towards my school road, third to the streets of downtown and finally the last one to our back yard. I wondered why were these all pointed to where I go? It creaped me out a lot knowing he could see where I was going.

What surprised me the most is when he exited out of all those pages he had, and showed me what was on his home page, me. A picture of me on my fourteenth birthday with me smiling and holding a camera. Me and mom took a picture of each other at the same time getting the camera in view. "You shouldn't be up. You lost a lot of blood," the man finally spoke not even turning to look at me.

"How did you find me?" I asked. "In the forest. You were out cold due to blood loss. Luckily we have the same blood type and I gave you some of mine," he said. That creep gave me his blood and now a strangers blood is in me. Ew. Two questions roamed my mind: one, how does he know my blood type and two, why didn't he just take me to the hospital instead of here.

Speaking of here I don't even know where I am. "Where are we?" I softly asked not wanting to start a fight," downtown chinatown" he said.
I have never been so far away from the city than this. In fact I don't even know where to go from here.

I stood there for a moment trying to process everything until he got up and asked me,"are you hungry?" He asked facing me. Hungry? Yes, however I didn't know if he poisoned it or not. "Here I made some mac and cheese. You should eat," he answered for me setting a bowl of mac and cheese down in front of me.

I looked at it suspiciously asking him with my eyes if he poisoned it or not. "Why would I have poisoned your food? If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already," he spoke somewhat harshly. He did have a point, if he wanted me to die he had plenty of chances to do so.

I picked up my arm to eat when there was a pain in my upper arm. The top half of my right arm was bandaged up tight however it still hurt to use that muscle. I toughened it out and ate looking at my kidnappers face. Short black hair, brown eyes, harsh glare. He didn't seem to have a gun insight but with those muscles I knew I din't stand a chance plus I have my dominate arm bandaged leaving me with no chance.

After eating in silence I decided to ask," how long was I out?" "Almost a day," he replied plainly still starting at his laptop. I didn't want to ask too many questions so I kept quiet and finished eating.

After roaming around a little I looked in a corner and found my duffle bag with everything still in it. "How did you get this?" I asked demanding for an answer almost. He said nothing and continued to look at his laptop. "How do you know me?" I asked again trying to get his attention. "You have cameras set up around my house and school why?" This time I got in his face kneeling down to try and take his attention away from the screen.

"Give me your name," he simply asked ignoring all my questions. "Question for a question. I answer yours and you answer mine deal?" I asked, not letting my questions just slip by. "Deal," he said, somehow I took his word for it. "Kai Croft," I said giving him my name, "no, full name," he demanded. Picky picky. "Kai Ann Croft," I said giving him my full name. "No, your full last name," he spoke.

My face went blank as I tried to remember my last name. I haven't used it nor spoke of it since it was dangerous according to mom. "Tell me your last name and I will answer you question," the man said slowly. Finally I thought if it and decided telling him would be better then just sitting here,"Kai Ann... Waincroft."

He nodded his head,"Well nice to meet you Kai, I'm Gabriel Waincroft," he said right then and there my heart stopped.

One of the most dangerous criminals in the world is my dad.

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