Chapter 1

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A girl with jet black briskley walked past the corridors . Her thick hair fluttered as she walked , her heels clicked on the stone floor. Her open jacket revealed a a white T-shirt with several layers of design on it . She was too occupied walking to her destination to noticed people looking at her. Her hands were full of files , folders and books.
She knocked at the door sharply , the response was short - a smiple come in . She was walked in to find a lady with golden blond hair in bun. She had sparkley green eyes that sought knowledge but were hidden by the moon shaped glasses she wore. She wore a pencil skirt and a coat over it.
She looked up and smiled.
"I'm so sorry , Madame Pilar. I got caught up with something ." She said more like Ed forgot to make my lunch she thought.
"It's alright , Emma." Madame Pilar said smirking .
"Ma'am , I found a few details about the ship ." Emilia said taking out her folders .
"El Tersoro , you mean." Madame Pilar said .
"No ma'am. The Pirate ship that was along with it , according to the scuba divers the water shows not only a waver of geographical features around it but also just a few meters shows another waver that indicates another ship. According to the plank of wood taken as a sample the ship is just as old as the other one , El Tersoro , I mean . It seems to have destroyed itself. But we doubt whether El Tersoro ever sank." Emilia said reading her notes.
"Well done ! But have the scuba divers found any trace of El Tersoro ?" She asked looking up .
"No madame. Not a trace . It seems it never sank." Emilia said with a sigh.
"Impossible , there nothing in the census taken back then a record of the ship by anyone in America." Madame Pilar said reading her own notes.
"Maybe it went back to Spain." Em suggested .
"No dear , the king had officialy sent his troops to search for the ship. It seems imopossible for it to reach without being noticed ." Madame said.
The rest of the day was spent searching through lost documents .
"It's getting dark , dear. It's time to go." Madame Pilar said packing her folders and files.
"Good Evening Madame Pilar." Emilia said before she left.
Emilia raced down the stairs to find Edward waiting for her sitting in the car. He rolled down the window and looked at Em.
"What took you so long ?" Edward asked looking at her.
"Got caught up with work ." Emilia said witha sigh as she got in .
"Well , you don't have to worry from tomorrow onwards , Nate'll come to pick me up." Emilia said with a smile which grew wider every minute.
Nate Samuels a white blonde haired man with deep , gorgeous blue eyes . He was one of the kindest people anyone could ever meet. He had been through a lot at a very young age , but he had put it behind him. He accepted everything with a smile , never had he once questioned his sorrows . His mother was murdered by his father who was now in prison. He was now a sound engineer , the head of his department in engineering.
Emilia's heart was racing with excitement , at had almost been a year since she had met Nate , they had been dating for 4 years. He did call her frequently but at times she could sense his distraction . He had been staying in United Kingdom and had promised Emilia that he would come as soon as possible .
Well , tommorow was the day . The day she was to meet Nate. It seemed liked eternity since she had seen him , she wondered how he looked like now . She could not contain her excitement .
Edward opened the door to their house .
Emilia had been staying Edward and Barbera for the past 2 years . Nate was more than happy to hear that Emilia had company. Barbera had been working in advertisments and had been out for few days , she said she would be back by the time Nate was home.
"Wow ! Your room is clean ?" Emilia asked , after living with Edward for three years there were a few things she had learnt about him.
First , Edward could never keep his room clean. Never. Ther had to something or the other either on the floor or on the bed .
"My cousin is comming tomorrow." He said with smile.
"Really ? What's his name ? So many special people are comming tomorrow." Emilia said .
"His name's James , he's 5 years old . His parents are going for buisness tour so he'll be staying with me." Edward said with a grin.
"Aw ! That's adorable ! When is he comming ?" Emilia asked
"Tomorrow evening ." Edward said
"It's a good thing we bought a 6 bedroom house." Emilia said .
"Yeah !" Edward agreed .
They both then had their dinner and went for a not so comfortable sleep. They both couldn't sleep , because of their excitement.
The next was one of the many busy mornings , it was all a blur. Emilia rushed to the airport. She certainly did not want to be late to meet Nate.
She wore a sea green skirt , and a with top . It had a silvery embroidrey at it's neck . The skirt reached up to her knees along with which she wore white heels. Her hair was left open bouncing with the wind , her long green earings danced to her tune.
Her dark brown eyes scanned the crowd to find a certain white blonde with deep blue eyes. The flight timing board displayed that Nate's plane had landed .
Emilia could not wait to see him , she could not contain her excitement. Her eyes scanned the large crowd that had just come out .
She looked around and found several people with blonde with hair but none with white blonde hair .
Suddenly amist the crowd she noticed a white blonde. Her heart leapt , and gave her the warm fuzzy feeling that she loved .
But it then Nate's view became clearer , her heart stopped . She could not believe her eyes . Beside Nate was a brunette .
"Emilia !" Nate said as he came up to her . He then looked at the brunette and smiled .
"Regina meet Emilia . Emilia meet Regina ." He said .
They shook hands but that's not what bothered Emilia . What bothered her was the fact that she didn't even recieve a hig from Nate . She walked behind the both of them her head hung down.

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