Chapter 2

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Emilia trailed behind them until Nate turned around .
"Em , where's the car ?" He asked
"Oh ! Silly of me ! It's right there ." Emilia said pointing to Edward's red car.
She started walking infront of them . I should try to mingle with them for once , it couldn't be that bad ...... Emilia thought to herself .
"So ," Emilia said ," Which hotel are you staying in , Regina ?"
"Oh ! Didn't Nate tell you ?" She asked
"What ?" Emilia asked taking the car keys out.
"That I'm staying with you ?" Regina said tugging Nate's collar.
"What ?!" Emilia exclaimed
"Sorry ! Forgot to mention that ." Nate apologised and as he turned around.
"NATHAN JAMES SAMUELS !" Emilia shouted .
"Shhhh !" Nate said
"Why didn't you tell us ? We had planned on going for a movie ! We only have 5 tickets !" Emilia said she was outraged .
"I kind of , forgot . Well , we have five tickets ......" Nate began as he sat in the car.
" One for James !" Emilia said
"Who ?" Nate asked clearly confused
"James ! Edward's cousin ! He'll be staying with us !" Emilia said .
"Oh ! Then one of us will not go ......" Nate said
The rest of the car ride was silent , each of them wondering something different . Emilia was very worried about Nate's behaviour but decided to push it aside and focus on driving .
On their arrival , Edward stood outside the gate waiting for them . He waved as the car approached but his eyes widened when he saw Regina.
"Well , who is this ?" He asked eyeing Regina.
"Edward , this is Regina. Regina this is Edward." Nate said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you ." Edward said with a smile.
"Ah ! The pleasure is all mine." Regina said shaking their hands and letting go .
"So , isn't Barbera back ?" Nate asked looking around.
"Yeah ! She's taking a bath ." Edward said
"And I'm out !" Barbera said walking into the drawing room.
"YOU DYED YOUR HAIR !" Nate said with a smile.
"Yep ! Had to look like my brother ." Barbera said with a wink.
"That's my sister !" He said with a smile.
"Oh my that's what I wanted to hear! Emilia ! Waddup ?" Barbera said .
"Nothing much. Just a lot of work at DOLD." Emilia said taking off her coat.
"DOLD ?" Regina asked as she seated herself next to Nate who was sitting next to Barbera.
"Department of Lost Documents." Emilia replied
"What kind of work ?" Regina asked curiously her black eyes widened with curiousity .
"Well , we are figuring out something but we've got no clue leading anywhere at all at the moment. So many reports and all ending at dead ends ." Emilia said seating herself next to Regina.
"Remember the Journal ?" Emilia asked looking at the ceiling.
There was a chours of 'yeah's ' , each of them sighed.
"What Journal ?" Regina asked .
Edward got up and retold Regina their adventure. ( NOTE : Do read the 1st book The Journal to find out what had happened )
"So , Nate how did you meet Regina ?" Emilia asked .
"Oh we're erm.... collegues. We work in the same department. We're really good friends."
"Oh !" Emilia exclaimed
"Nate are you forgetting something ? Or someone ?" Barbera asked eyeing him and Emilia.
"Um....No. Regina is okay. " Nate said looking at Regina.
"Your girlfriend." Barbera urged
"Oh ! I have one ?" Nate asked playfuly , he then laughed and hugged Emilia. She couldn't help but giggle.
They burst out laughing that's when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it ." Emilia said with a smile.
She opened the door to find a small boy and his mother . The lady had a bob cut with perfectly curly hair that had a light shade of red but on the whole was brown. She had light green eyes shone , she then looked up with a smile. Her pencil skirt was in a dark shade of blue. It was then that Emilia noticed the little boy , he had definetly inherited his mother's eyes. He wore a blue shirt
His hair light brown which was flopped onto one side , he had a pointed nose and tanned skin. He gave Emilia a funny smile which Emilia happily returned.
"Hello dear ! Does Edward live here ?" The lady asked
"Yeah ! Hi ! I'm Emilia , I live with Edward . Come in." Emilia said with a smile.
They walked in and the lady smiled at Ed.
"I suppose I can trust my naughty little boy with you ." The lady said with a smile .
"Of course Nadiya. Besides Alvis and I are good friends." Edward replied grinning.
"Friends ?" Alvis asked opening his mouth for the first time since they had arrived.
"Alright ! Bros ! Okay ?" Edward with a laugh
"Okay." Alvis smiled .
"Well , I should leave." Nadiya said .
Edward got up and hugged her goodbye and was later bombarded with to-do lists for Alvis who was later hugged until he was breathless .
"Bye darling ! Eddie look after him like I did with you !" Nadiya said before leaving .
"Bye Naddie ! I'll look after Al." Edward waved as she left along with Alvis who was at the verge of tears.
"It's okay Alvis . You'll enjoy your stay here. Besides we are going to watch a film today !" Emilia said taking out the tickets.
"But we have only five of them." Edward pointed out .
"You guys go on. I'll stay behind , besides I gotta work on my lap. Got loads of documents to file." Regina said with a small smile.
"But Reg , we can't do that ! Leave you alone in here !" Nate protested.
"It's okay ! Thanks for the concern but I'll be fine." Regina said .
"Alright now that's settled." Barbera said.
That evening was a blast . The five of them enjoyed it. It had been a long time since they had gone out together. The quick change of surroundings was refreshing.
The movie was thoroughly enjoyed especially by little Alvis.
As they walked out , they discussed how the movie could have been better if actress had more of an expression.
Emilia checked her phone to look at the time when she saw a missed call and a voice mail along with it.
She played the voice mail which said -

Emilia come to the department
*crash* it is an emergency ! They will
*sound of footsteps* find me ! -beep-

Emilia was now worried what was happening in the department ?
"Hey guys ? I gotta check in with Madame Pilar." Emilia said as she quickly ran off.
But stopped halfway tunered around walked up to Nate kissed his check and burst out in a run.
It was not very since Emilia had reached the department. She swiped her ID card on the machine and stepped in.
The department had not changed a bit since her last visit with Nate Edward and Barbera , the same old help desk , the same old corridors and the same old cabinets.
She put her finger on the biometric lock and collected the key. The cabinet keys are very special keys , their legs can be turned to the east and to the west. The bottom leg of the key moves only to the west the degree at which it turns to tells the person the floor number the cabinet they are to go to. The first leg of the key only moves to the east which gives away the room number. This was one of the many interesting facts about the department.
The cabinet key formally known as Clandestine , can only open a cabinet door and none other. It is made from one of the finest blacksmiths in the US.
As Emilia walked to the door she heard footsteps. She slowly walked into the room as quiet as a mouse.
Inside , there was no trace of Madame Pilar. There were loads of files and documents lying on the floor one of which she clearly recognised as the one she had given to Madame Pilar. She knew it was highly confidential and that was the very file a tall figure of about 6 feet which she didn't notice she pick up.
Emilia thought that she had to stop that man before he read what was inside. She asked -
"Who's there ?"

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