Chapter 6

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"What ?!" Emilia exclaimed, she was shocked that a detail not so minor escaped her sharp eyes.
"Yeah , look at the edge of the page carefully. " Nate said pointing to the very corner of the torn sheet of paper that held the family crest.
Emilia observed that the fine imprint of her family crest on the sheet of paper , she observed that the sign of her family was actually not a stamp but the coloured imitation of one.
Barbra on the other hand wasn't so focused on the symbol but on the picture itself. She took great notice of the painting or so it seemed which might actually depict a place that existed even today.
"Hey , do you think this picture or painting whatever it is , is trying to depict Point Reyes National Seashore ? I had a shooting there once this looks most like it. " Barbra said looking at the sheet of paper intently and then at Edward who seemed deep in thought.
Edward , seemed to be on a topic similar to that of Emilia's. What was the symbol of Lady Carrie Darth doing on a sheet of paper that had something to do with Duchess Marie Jane Aulden ?
"I for one find it curious that this sheet of paper has something to do with Lady Carrie Darth ." Edward commented looking up.
"Maybe Marie Jane Aulden was Lady Carrie Darths sister." Regina suggested making her presence known.
"That's impossible ! Lady Carrie Darth was a native American but Marie Jane Aulden was a Spinard." Emilia reasoned looking at her.
"I'm just saying , you needn't be rude !" Regina exclaimed .
"I wasn't rude , I was just telling you that you were wrong ." Em said with an exasperated sigh.
"It didn't sound like it." Regina scowled.
"What. ..." Em began but she was cut off by Nate.
"It have to admit Em , you were pretty rude out there ." He said looking at her with his bright blue eyes. But Emilia felt that something was missing. She felt he had lost something that he had in his eyes , perhaps the bright shine of mischief or the deep gorgeous passion of Love.
"Whose side are you on ?" She questioned horrified at what he was implying to.
"I think after what I said , it was obvious. Em what has gotten into you ? You were such a sweet girl when I met you but now you seem so different has pride taken the better of you, after we solved the Journal? " Nate asked looking at Emilia , his eyes had turned stone cold and his expression read deep regret .
"Are you saying you regret being with me ?" Emilia asked taking in a deep breath.
"Yes , infact I am." Nate said as he took Regina's hand and left. Emma just stared at the floor , she could not believe what she had heard. Their relationship for four years had lead them to this.
"Hey , my brother's being a jerk don't mind him. He'll come around." Bera said as she lead Emma to her room.
"He's just bring stupid . Don't care what he says." Bera said hugging Em who was trying hard not to cry.
The door then swung open and there stood Ed with a glass of hot chocolate with Emilia's favourite apple pie.
"Girl talk I see , should I go ?" He asked looking at Emilia worriedly . He had always been an older brother to Em who was the only child in her house. He was always worried for her , making sure she was okay no matter what.
"You're always welcome Ed." Emilia said with a watery smile.
"Does that make me a girl because of my long hair ?" Edward asked flipping his hair trying to lighten up the mood. It did but as Em's eyes fell on the ring on Bera's hand she felt much worse.
"Hey , perhaps it's not time yet , it's most probably the rough stage in your relationship. Every relationship is special , especially yours. You and Nate have had your ups and downs. Perhaps this is the flat terrain that with will lead you up to your mount Everst." Barbra said softly.
" Emilia remember we all learnt our lesson while solving the journal. We all have a purpose in in life , everything happens for a reason . Don't feel disheartened because of this one fight. Because everytime you fall , you get up. No matter what because nothing is impossible. Nothing." Edward said looking at Em with a huge smile before he hugged her.
"Perhaps I'm not the same Emilia that he wanted. Maybe he is right , I changed maybe I'm not as beautiful as I usedto be. " Emilia said with a hitched sighed.
"No. Emilia stop. You are beautiful just the way you are and you changed for the better. When I first met you , you were so shy and vulnerable bit now you've grown to be a confident, independent woman. And this is the Emilia that I know and love. Don't change for people , change to be a better person which you are." Edward said as he wiped away the tears from Emilia's eyes.
The door to the room swung open and there stood James in his striped Pyjamas holding onto his teddy in one hand and Edward's story book in the other.
"Good morning, little man." Ed greeted James .
"How did you sleep ?" Emilia asked wiping her her tears with a sniff and smiling quickly to cover her feelings.
"Great." He smiled showing his small milk teeth.
"Eddie can I ask you something ?" James asked looking up at Ed.
"Anything bud." Edward replied grinning.
"Why is the last page of your book missing ?"

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