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  • Посвящена Miss Harris (My teacher who inspired me to do this)

(A/N This is done as Christina first then Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani! So it is Christina first got that? This is a bit lile the book Way we live by Krista swag but with a bit more of a twist. This is set in the future so bare it in mind...)

Christinas Pov

I sat alone in my study. Thinkong of a new song to write. My sisters sat there thinking anout it too via skype.

"How about?:

Feeling my way throughout darkness

unknown journeys ahead

roses lay on the ground in leading different paths.

Which one should I take?

Your my mind

Your my eyes

Without you I am... "

I ask unsure...

"Am...." Lisa repeats.

"Zombiefied?" Dani laughs.

I say goodbye and slam the laptop cover down. What am I going to do?! I am under so much stress. I miss my old life!!

I am starting to hate being in this band we have been going for so long... 9 years. Its 2016! I am 26 getting old.. My relentionship with nick is slowly drowning because of all the presure of the band.  Katherine is moving out next week... She lasted longer then me. I moved out at 23...

I am trying to convince Nick to move in with me. He's not that sure. I don't under stand why... I mean we have been dating for 'years!'

Maybe he hates me. But doesn't have the heart to tell me. He is like that. All the fans think I am too old now. Its time we stop being a band (Dani is 16, Lauren 18, Amy 21,Lisa 24, Katherine 25) we are all a little bit too old. I'm going to text them and tell them I am leaving them and i advise they split up...

' Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani, the band is growing up and I think we should split up... I am leaving either way, we are all grown up and so are our fans. It's best to leave this band be. Text me your reply's!

Chrissie xxxx'

I sat diown and thought... What am I doing?

No It's the right thing! I am really worried about this. Oh! I got a text, Lisa? Already? She's never off her phone!

(Lisa) 'Are you sure you want to do this? I don't understand but Kathy and Dani already text me saying they think we should.. What about me and Lauren?'

(Me) ' Well we have to... You and Lauren make a smaller group? Afterall you guys were the most popular members.'

She never replied! She left me! What should I do?????

(A/N Well is it okay? Will update tomorrow sometime!)

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