New Life

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My cake shop is going down a storm! I bought Lisa a new phone and Computer as a gift while I took some money to buy a new phone... Samsung Galaxy S4!!! With HD screen! I am so happy. This christmas I am treating my family with loads! I also reconised a boy with Brown hair and Blue eyes coming in everyday and buying 2 cookies.

He always wears a dark brown leather jacket and a pair of black converses. I need girly advice man! I wish I had Lisa and Christina here. Christina would tell me not to rush things and let what will happen, happen. Lisa would act goofy and stalk him for a week! I wish they were here. It's lonley after closing time. Walking upstairs to my flat and going on twitter, I'm turning into Lisa! 

Talking of Lisa we are always Skyping as well. She's only 2 hours away but it seems so far. Not compared to Amy. Shes moving to Nashville... With Jake. Her boyfriend!!! I can't believe it (A/N Didn't want to qoute then!!!) my Baby sisters growing up, well Kath she is 21... Lisa is 22 and still stays at home... Well Lisa is a fetus. Not yet ready for a  big world, shes too crazy, if she left without supervisio-

Who will Supervise Lisa? Lauren? Dani? We left Lauren with crazy people!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! MY POOR SQUIRTBUBBLE! Thats my nickname for her. she used to wash-up with me and used to squirt washing-up liquid and it would always bubble so I called her my squirt bubble. It's funny... Me and Lauren were never sisters or best friends we were like mother and daughter. Me the mother of course. 

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