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I sat on my bed Thinking about her. The mean fan girl. Sending me millions of hate. Lauren gets it too. She dosen't know but I open her fan mail and reseal it. Why she doesn't tell anyone I don't know.

Heres one of her letters:

'Hey pig,

How are you doing. You still a fat b***h? Good. Do you still screeching over your sisters with that dead cat voice of yours? I hope you rot in hell. Oh I read your star sign... It says you will be stabbed. I hope its true. Bye.

Ya'll hater girl.'

See what i mean! She sent me a pic with a penknife in it and darts. How did she even post that?

What is the star sign?

Is it true?  No Lisa its not. Thats the point of hater mail.

I need some fresh air...

I walk downstairs and see Dani watching btr.

I wish I was as young and carefree as her. No one to tell hef shes horrible or anything. My Perfect Sister...

I stood in the garden. Fresh air always makes me better...

Suddening a plastic knife comes flying into me. It has a note it hit me in the hand. Ow! That hurt. I read the note with my free hand...

'I found you.

Watch out for alliteration Sister.

Bad thing coming their way...'

What? Alliteration is like L and L...


You're not sorry. A cimorelli fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now