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The rest of the days went by ok. Everyday normal, well not exactly normal... With Katherine and Lisa skyping all the time and only me and Lauren left sane we have been getting along great!

Me and Lauren have been going to town and then locking the bathroom door and kissing. I know it seems wrong. But if we're not related then... What could go wrong?

Me and Lauren are trying to convinceum and dad to let us have Amy, Katherine and Christinas room as they have moved out. They said we could have two single beds. Then a wardrobe and storage spave for each of us. Lisa is happy. Her room is now a technology hevean. So yeah life is good. Every night I move the beds together and snuggle with Lauren. She kisses my head and tells me stories.

~Next morning~

"AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream sitting up in bed.

"Dani?" Lauren asks sleepily, I see her face and am istantly okay.

"Don't matter Spice... Just a bad dream..."

You're not sorry. A cimorelli fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now