Chapter Two

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Thranduil's Third Person POV:

His elk flew through the forest, fast as the wind itself, only taking a few minutes to return to the palace.  It came to a halt in front of the gates, kneeling down so that Thranduil could dismount.  He leapt from its back, the skin-changer still in his arms, and sprinted for the healers.  His son appeared beside him, matching his pace.

"What happened Ada?  Who is she?"  He questioned, confused.  His father had left to hunt down an unknown beast, and came back with a human woman who was grievously wounded; Legolas was, understandably, having trouble putting the pieces together. 

"Summon Lord Elrond from Rivendell, Legolas.  We may need his help with this woman.  I will explain more later."  Was his taciturn response, before disappearing into the healers chambers, leaving Legolas to go dispatch a messenger to Elrond.

Thranduil, meanwhile, was laying the woman down onto the healers table, and quickly gathering athelas while the women examined her wounds.

"She has lost a lot of blood, and is bleeding internally, my Lord.  We can save her hand, but I'm not sure about her life."

"I will help heal her.  There will be a better chance of her survival then."  He announced, his tone not allowing any question on the matter.

Time Skip (Bc I have no elven medical knowledge)

They had labored over her for three hours straight, repairing the nerve damage in her hand, helping most of the skin to regrow and setting the rest of the regrowth in motion, and sealing her ruptured organs.  There was a large amount of muscle and skin that they didn't have the extra energy left to heal, after casting so many spells of healing already, they were drained.  Thranduil hadn't been so tired since the Battle of the Five Armies, the healing had taken much out of him, because although he was a king with the power to heal, he almost never used it unless the need was dire.  His skill-set was more fighting to healing, thus healing drained him more than fighting did.

"I will take her to her chambers."  He said tiredly, placing her onto a gurney of sorts and wheeling her out of the room.  Legolas was sitting on a bench outside of the door, standing immediately when he saw his father.

"Ada, are you alright?  You look exhausted!"  He exclaimed worriedly.

"I am fine, ion nin."  In contrast to his words, Thranduil staggered slightly, using the handle of the gurney to keep himself upright.  Legolas leapt to his side, pulling one of Thranduil's arms around his shoulders and wrapping an arm around his father's waist. 

"Let me help you, Ada."  He implored.  Thranduil thought for a moment.

"Very well.  Summon a servant to push the gurney, and tell them to follow us." 

Legolas did as he was bid, then assisted his father to a guest room usually used when one of the other Elven lords or lady's came to visit the Greenwood.

"Put her in the bed."  Thranduil ordered.  The servant and Legolas lifted the woman, laying her on the bed and covering her with the bed-sheets, then the servant left and Legolas went to stand in front of his father, who had sat down in an arm chair before the fireplace.

"Who is she, Ada?"  He asked simply.

"She is a skin-changer, Legolas.  She was my quarry as a mountain lion, and my patient as a human."  

Legolas stood in shock as his father went on to explain the events of that day.  He finished telling the story around forty-five minutes later, and Legolas remained silent for another fifteen minutes after that, trying to process what he had just heard.

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