Chapter Thirteen

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Awareness of her surroundings returned slowly, a little at a time, accompanied by the return of her senses.  Someone was in the room with her, humming softly as they moved about.  She was sore, but not as sore as she expected to be after such bad wounds.  There was a dull throbbing in her side, not so bad as to make her wince but bad enough to make itself noticeable.  She slowly blinked her eyes open, giving them ample time to adjust to the brightness of the room.  Keeping them half-lidded she looked around, trying to spot the person who had been moving and humming, though the humming had now stopped.  

Her vision was still a little blurry, so it took her about a minute to catch sight of the person.  An elleth, wearing brown and white robes with short sleeves, dark hair pulled back in a practical, no-nonsense braid.  She had been mixing some sort of paste, lifting it and turning around to come towards Vera.

"Oh!  You're awake!  Tell me, how do you feel?"  Her tone was surprised at first but quickly changed to that annoyingly calm and soft voice that was characteristic of healers.  Vera stretched slightly, testing her body to see how it felt.

"Much better than the last time I was awake, to be sure."  She replied, voice stoic and unfeeling.  The healer nodded, coming over and setting the paste down on a small side table that Vera hadn't noticed.

"Good, good.  Now, I'm going to check your bandages, and apply some of this salve, it should have you back on your feet in the next couple of days."

Vera frowned, confused.

"Couple of days?  That short of a time?"

"Well, you have been unconcious for about a week now, so your body has already had plenty of time to heal.  Add to that the fact that you have a remarkably fast healing body, you should be completely fine in the next two days or so."

Shock prevented Vera from questioning her further, and the healer proceeded to check the cut in her leg, the stab wound in her side, and the arrow puncture in her shoulder, rubbing ample amounts of the salve on all three and then re-wrapping them with new bandages.  

"Now, I'm going to get someone to help you to your room, you will be much more comfortable there for the rest of your recovery."

"Very well."  

The healer bustled out of the room, returning in under five minutes with an ellon pushing a wheel-chair.  The two of them quickly transferred Vera to the chair, arranging a blanket on her lap and making sure she was comfortable before the ellon wheeled her out into the hallway and to her room.  Once they were in her room the two of them transferred her to her bed and then left her in piece, something that Vera was immensely grateful for.  Having not one, but two people fussing over her had drove her mental.  Being fussed over was a pet-peeve of hers.

She lay in bed for all of five minutes before attempting to stand up.  Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and using the side-table as leverage to stand up.  She managed to stay standing, though she was swaying more than a drunken sailor, and after a few minutes of regaining her sense of balance she chanced the first step.  It took her an infuriating ten minutes to cross the room and collapse into the desk chair.  She stayed there for a moment, contemplating her next step, and then looked out the window.  The sun was setting, giving her a perfectly timed excuse to stagger back to bed and collapse, asleep in under five minutes.

The next morning arrived far too soon for her liking, sunlight streaming through a window and waking her up.  She stretched, rolling over onto her back and then sitting up, using her arms to hold herself upright.  At that moment a knock came at her door.

"Come in!"  She called, briefly looking down to make sure that she was decent.  The door opened and the healer poked her head in.

"How are you feeling this morning, My Lady?"

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