Chapter Thirty-Two

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Thranduil barely managed to control his smile when he saw his son seated at the breakfast table the next morning, talking animatedly with Elrond, Elladan, and Elrohir.  

"Father!  Join us, did you sleep well?"  Legolas was the first to notice his appearance, with the half-elven quickly chiming in their good mornings.

"Good morning, my son and my guests.  I did sleep well, thank you for asking."  

A careful glance at the table as he sat down alerted him to the fact that not all of his guests were present.

"Where is the dwarf?  Has he not been informed that breakfast was served?"

All three of the Rivendell elves frowned at his question, not having noticed Gimli's absence, while Legolas grinned.

"I went to tell him, Father, but he was still asleep.  And I have learned, very quickly, that it is better to just let him sleep.  We went sleepless often enough that I am willing to grant him this indulgence now.  Don't worry, I'll feed him when he wakes up, whenever that may be."

Thranduil merely nodded at this, and silence fell while everyone dug into their breakfast.  A polite few moments later, Elladan spoke up.

"Where is Vera?  Has she been in yet, or does she not normally eat breakfast with you, my Lord?"

The question was directed at Thranduil, who shook his head.

"Unfortunately, Elrondion, I have no idea where she is.  She does normally eat with me at this table, but I haven't seen her for some time now.  Legolas, I believe you said that you saw her yesterday when you rode in?  If I'm not mistaken, she hasn't been back since then."

"Legolas," Elrond jumped in, "what direction was Vera heading when she left you?  Was it towards the mountains further North?"

"Yes, but what of it?  Because Adar is right, I did see her yesterday, but she hasn't been back yet as far as I know, either."

Elrond abruptly stood from the table and nearly sprinted from the room, an intent expression on his face.  The other four elves looking at one another in confusion and rushed to follow him, leaving their breakfasts largely unfinished.  He went directly to the library, and began scouring the shelves.

"Father, what are you looking for?"  Elladan spoke up.

"Is Vera in danger?"  Elrohir, the more emotional of the two, was quick to add.

Despite the twins knowing their father, Thranduil was the one to recognize that Elrond would say nothing until he had discovered what he was searching for.  It was a peculiar trait of the lord to focus with a single-mind on a research worthy task.  The twins and Legolas left after a time, with Thranduil's promise to inform them of any information found.  Thranduil himself wandered into the library, searching out an old book on the healing arts written by Elrond himself, deciding to brush up on his healing skills since he had found himself needing them more often as of late.


Thranduil had nearly finished the book, several hours later, when the normally composed Elrond came running up to him with a scroll in hand and a face of exultation.

"I've figured it out Thranduil!  I've figured it out!"

Thranduil stood, placing his book aside and gripping Elrond by the arm.

"Alright, mellon, calm down.  What is it exactly that you've figured out, and how does it relate to Vera?"

The healer sat, gesturing for Thranduil to follow suit.  He opened the scroll, producing another from a pocket and setting it aside.

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