Chapter Eight

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Unknown's Thoughts:

I hope Vera survives this war.  She has come so far, fought so hard, and yet her hardest challenges are still ahead of her.  And here I am, practically on the other side of Middle Earth, unable to leave my home because of the Evil that is growing.  If the Fellowship fail's, or Vera falls, then we are doomed.

Back to Third Person

The sound of cheering woke Vera from a sound sleep the next morning, wrapping a robe around herself she peered out her window.  She could see nothing but trees from her vantage point.  With a growl of frustration she quickly dressed in a set of red tunic and breeches that had been provided for her, strapping her own personal sword and the other to her sides, one dagger tucked up her sleeve and the other secured elsewhere.  She left her hair down as usual and left her room, striding briskly down the hallway towards the sounds of either celebration or terror, Vera wasn't sure which.

Using her advanced hearing she quickly found the source of the shouts.  Thranduil was fighting a duel with another elf, one that wasn't from Mirkwood if his armor was anything to judge by.  After a few more minutes, Thranduil sent his opponent's sword flying from his hand, whipping his own swords up to the elf's neck and holding them there for a moment as silence echoed throughout the courtyard.  Then a wild cheer sprang up from among the people as Thranduil and the stranger both grinned and bowed to each other.  She advanced towards them slowly, her movements catching Thranduil's eye and drawing his attention.  He turned towards her, his eyes narrowing slightly, and then whispered something to his opponent, who turned to look at her as well, showing his face to her for the first time.  Both of their eyes widened, and huge grins spread across both of their faces.

"HALDIR!"  She screamed with joy, sprinting towards him.  He ran towards her as well, opening his arms to hug her as he slowed, but she tackled him with a hug, bringing him to the ground in a mess of tangled limbs and laughter.  She buried her face into his neck, clutching him to her.

"I missed you."  She said simply, voice muffled slightly.  He chuckled.

"And I you, mellon nin."  They stood, still smiling, and examined each other carefully.  He raised an eyebrow at her swords.

"You are still carrying K-"  "Not another word, Haldir."  She growled, the mood taking a sudden dive into tense and slightly angry.  His lips thinned but he nodded, a mischevious grin appearing.

"Red is your color, Vera.  I told you that you should have abandoned the green long ago, you know, but you didn't listen to me."

Her face took on a dangerous look and a snarl came from her.  

"Of all the days I could have worn red, it had to be today, when you showed up."  She sighed in frustration, Haldir laughing at her discomfort.  

"Seriously, Vera, you look good, better than when I last saw you, when you came through Lothlorien on your way here to Greenwood.  You must tell me your adventures someday."

It was her turn to look mischevious.

"You know, speaking of adventures, I still owe you a rematch, Haldir."  He grimaced.

"Ordinarily I would take you up on your offer, but I need to go back to Lothlorien tomorrow to help prepare for the arrival of the Ring, so I will have to decline until next time."

She laughed loudly and nodded.

"Very well, I suppose it would hurt to be riding with a broken rib."

"Must you always bring that up?"

"Of course I do, it was funny!"

"Not for me!  It's no joke to do anything, much less ride a horse with a broken rib."

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