Chapter 3

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She smirked, pleased with her answer to his question.  He raised an eyebrow at her, tilting his head slightly.

"Is that your name, or what you are?"  He questioned, no doubt thinking that he would get some sort of confused reaction from her. 

To bad she already knew that he was going to ask that question, and had prepared her answer accordingly.

"That is something you must find out for yourself.  Once you figure it out, or earn my trust, whichever comes first, I will let you know."

He inclined his head in acceptance, but she could see the hint of annoyance in his eyes at being thwarted.  She chuckled lightly inside her head, pleased that she had managed to evade him.

"Are there others like you?"  This question surprised her slightly, but it was one that she could answer easily.

"There were, once.  The ones that were part elves left for Valinor long ago, the other human's got caught in traps and were killed or enslaved, much like Beorn's people.  I am the last of my kind who is still free and in possession of my wits in Middle Earth."

She saw no harm in giving him that particular answer, it was common knowledge among those who knew of her.

"How did you recognize me so easily, especially when you were injured and in pain?"

That one stumped her slightly.  She could not answer him honestly, it would turn him against her benefactor, and that was something she could not let happen.

"Trust me when I say that it's better you not know.  If they should come here, than we will tell you together, but for now, please humor me and leave that question for a later date."

She spoke as sincerely as she could, desperate that he let it go. 

"Very well."  He spoke simply, casually, but she could see the frustration on his face and in his eyes.  She wasn't making it easy for him, which was as necessary as it was regrettable for her.

"What's it like, being a shape-shifter?"  Was his next question.  It was one of those questions that is used to start a conversation, and most of the time people don't care what your answer is, but she could tell that he was genuinely curious, so she decided to tell him what she could.

"It's very odd.  For one thing, it takes a lot of energy to change forms from human to mountain lion, but not as much to change from mountain lion to human.  When I'm a human, I find that my hearing, sense of smell, and athletic capabilities are stronger than a normal person's, my athleticism is closer to an elf's than a human's, and my hunting skills are better.  However, especially right after I've changed, I tend to have an urge to walk on my hands and feet, which is quite odd when you're as tall as I am.  When I'm a mountain lion, I'm much smarter than others of that species are, I can understand human speech though I am unable to talk, and I have more dexterity, although there's only so much you can do with no thumbs.  My more animalistic senses are dampened by my human side, meaning I'm not going to go on a murderous rampage at little to no provocation, and I can recognize friend from foe.  As a human my temper is less controllable, so in that respect it's been balanced between my forms."

He listened, obviously interested and curious, until she was finished.  She sat silent, watching him carefully, waiting for his reaction.  He finally looked up at her again.

"You are an amazing being, Lady Vera."

Was all he said before he stood.

"I will have the healers come and examine your wounds.  Once you are permitted to walk, and are feeling up to it, I will have someone bring you to the training grounds.  I would like to know just how extensive your abilities as a human are."

And with that he swept out of the room, the brief amount of warmth that had shown while he talked with and listened to her gone, he was cold and imperious once more.

A/N:  I know this is really short, but I promise you, it will be worth it for the next one.  I just felt like this was the natural ending point of the chapter, no matter the length.  The next chapter will be worth it, that I think I can promise.  Not really edited, sorry.

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