Chapter Nineteen

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Thranduil was still sitting on his throne when a servant approached him, her hesitant footsteps halting several feet before his throne.  He heard her skirts rustle as she knelt and bowed her head, waiting for him to address her.  Once he might have snapped at her, but he had mellowed much since his son brought him to his senses.

"Rise, and speak your thoughts."

She hurriedly rose and smoothed her skirts with shaking palms.

"It's the skin-changer my lord, Lady Vera.  She was being taken somewhere by some guards, and told me to inform you.  She seemed rather desperate that I tell you."

Thranduil frowned at this, it was so unlike Vera to communicate with the servants.

"Do you know who's guards they were?  I made no such order."

"No my king,  though they were not of your private force, that I know."

Thranduil nodded thoughtfully at this information, already beginning to formulate various plans and ideas as to who was behind it.

"Thank you, you may go."  He waved a blithe hand in dismissal.  The elleth curtsied and fled at a pace that was barely dignified.  He chose do ignore her lack of decorum, he had more pressing matters to worry about.  Mainly, who had taken Vera, and what their purpose was.


Vera woke up in her human form, thankfully still fully clothed.  She tended to lose her clothing when she shifted in her sleep.  She opened her eyes carefully, fully aware that she would have a blinding headache.  The area was relatively low-lit however, and she managed to sit up without wincing.  Looking around, she cataloged her surroundings.  Though she hadn't been in this part of the palace in the weeks she had been there, she knew immediately what it was.  The dungeon.  Galinor had had the audacity to imprison her.

I hope Thranduil finds me before Galinor comes back, she thought to herself.  Or else my control won't hold.  She almost wanted Galinor to come back, so that she could kill him.  Her eyes suddenly widened and she felt her sheaths.  Her swords were missing.  A snarl involuntarily broke from her throat, and her eyes narrowed.  She began to pace her cell, growling to herself furiously.  A sound reached her ears, breaking through her rage.  The sound of footsteps.

"Help!"  She shouted fiercely, the cry echoing through the dungeons.  A confused looking guard appeared at her door.

"Lady Vera?  Why are you in here?  The King's been looking for you."

She sighed in relief.  

"Captain Galinor had the audacity to imprison me, and steal my weapons.  I must speak to the King immediately, get me out of here."  The last part turned into a throaty growl that startled the guard into action.  He returned in moments with the keys, and let her out, frowning as she passed him.

"My Lady, are you hurt?  You're bleeding!"

She smiled ever so slightly.

"A simple blow with a bottle from the good Captain, nothing more.  I will be fine.  Take me to King Thranduil, if you would be so kind."

The guard didn't look convinced, but he lead the way anyway.  Upon reentering the palace proper, Vera could hear Thranduil barking orders and demanding reports on her whereabouts.  The fact that she could hear him became even more incredible when they reached him in his throne room, several hundred yards from the dungeons.

"Thranduil!"  She shouted, grabbing his attention.  His face dropped into one of immense relief and he abruptly stood and ran over to her, grabbing her by the shoulders and looking her over.  His eyes landed upon the wound on her head and his face became comparable to a thunderstorm.

"Who did this to you?"  He seethed.

"Although I would love to rat them out right now, I think it would be best to wait until after the battle.  We need everyone we have access to."

Vera almost smirked as she answered, knowing that she had brought shock to everyone in the room with her diplomatic answer.  She had become known for having a rather quick temper in the time she had spent there.  Thranduil merely nodded and sent her to the healers.  The healers took mere minutes to bandage her, but could not heal the wound.  It was imperative to save their supplies for the coming battle, and Vera understood.  They instead made it scab over so that it would not bleed anytime soon.

Vera headed back to the throne room, passing by a defeated looking Galinor on the way there.  He looked up when he saw her, and reluctantly extended her swords to her.  She gave him a forgiving nod as she took them and slid them into their sheaths, but whether or not he saw it was questionable as he refused to meet her gaze.  She reentered the throne room, to find it empty save for Thranduil.  He was leaning over his tactical table, not even looking up when she entered.

"What are you looking at?"  She laid a hand on his shoulder, making him jump slightly.

"We're not ready."  

"No one ever is, or ever will be completely ready for the possibility of death.  But we will prevail.  Faith will lead this charge, and Faith will overcome it.  Or die trying."

"Do you mean the concept, or yourself?"


A/N:  Okay guys, I know this is really short.  But I couldn't keep going with this chapter without it being a) forced, and b) beginning the battle.  And I really didn't want the battle to start in this chapter.  Chapter Twenty is coming guys.  Just an FYI though, I will be switching to First Person Point's of View for Thranduil and Vera during the fighting, starting next chapter.  It's just easier for me as the writer to do it that way, and I feel like it would be better for the overall experience in the book.  Comment what you thought, and what you think will happen in the coming chapters.  Vote if you liked it, love you guys! 

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