Chapter 39

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Flameclaw had slowly gotten use to life as an elder, but she wondered if perhaps she had made the decision too soon. It had only been a little over a moon, and so much had changed in SnowClan.

The threat of MoonClan had become larger. Cats sometimes crossed the border, a declaration of an upcoming battle had already been made, and Flameclaw not only feared for her life but for the lives of others. She knew she was safer as an elder, nice and protected in her den, but what about her kits and their families?

A few times, Flameclaw had even suggested to Barkfern that they had made the wrong decision becoming elders and that it was best they become warriors again to help fight. Barkfern told her otherwise and even when Flameclaw spoke to Cloudstar about it, he told her to keep calm.

Still, it was hard to keep calm when the threat of MoonClan seemed to become larger with each passing day. Rumors of an invasion spread around like wildfire, causing Flameclaw to miss sleep at night.

Despite this, she supposed she was suited for an elder now. Her muscles weren't as sore with exercise, and often, the most she'd do is go on a walk with Barkfern, though even those had come to an end shortly due to MoonClan's presence.

Sometimes kits would come to hear stories, and that was always fun. They especially favored Flameclaw's because she had not grown up in SnowClan and could tell them stories they hadn't heard a million times before.

And sometimes the apprentices would bring moss. Flameclaw always tried to be kind and grateful, remembering how much she hated the task as an apprentice. At least she hadn't forced any of the apprentices to pick ticks off of her like some of the other elders.

All in all, it would've been a peaceful life if it hadn't been for MoonClan.

One morning, Flameclaw awoke to find cats walking around early in camp. She stuck her head out the den, trying to listen to their conversation. She picked up a few of their muttered words such as "spotted at the far end again" and "could be a threat" and "won't they fight" and so forth.

She quietly crept out of the den but was stopped by the deputy, Thornfrost.

"Flameclaw, is everything all right?" he asked.

Flameclaw didn't reply, glancing at the other warriors.

"Oh, don't mind them," Thornfrost told her. "We're sorry if we woke you. Night patrol just caught a whiff of some MoonClan scent at the far end of the border, that's all. They hadn't even entered our territory."

"Oh, I was...just checking. Wanted to be sure," she muttered, embarrassed.

"Ah, it's fine. You should get some more sleep."

Flameclaw nodded, though didn't reply.

"Hey, don't worry. Cloudstar knows what he's doing. Everything is under control," he assured her.

The ginger she-cat nodded and turned back to the den. Upon laying back in her nest, however, she found it impossible to get back to sleep.

At last, Barkfern awoke, and they spent the true morning sharing a squirrel together. 

"You look tired," Barkfern observed.

"Just had some trouble sleeping, that's all."

Barkfern glanced at her with concern. "I'm worried about you, Flameclaw. You haven't been sleeping well for days."

"I'm worried," she confessed.

"I know, but you have to know that Cloudstar will keep us as safe as possible. And we're not that old yet. We can still fight back if we have to," he assured her.

"But what about our kits? Our grandkits? We can't guarantee their safety," she whimpered.

"That's how the life of a warrior is. They have trained to their best, and if they find themselves under attack, they'll defend themselves to the best of their ability. They are all very well trained. I wouldn't worry," Barkfern said.

"I just don't want this clan to turn into RiverClan," she admitted. "It's become my home."

"This clan is much larger and stronger than RiverClan, and we both know that. It'll be fine. Can you please quit worrying for now?"

"I-I'll try," Flameclaw told him, and she really meant it. She wanted to get her fears out of her head. 

They concluded their meal and chat and went off to do other things. Flameclaw laid out in the sun for a while, taking in the warmth. She never had this much free time as a warrior to just bask in the sun.

Her grandkits came and visited her at some point, to which she told stories and asked them how their training was going. They'd be warriors very shortly.

At one point, Flameclaw fell asleep, and she awoke, the sun was just beginning to set. Satisfied that she'd finished the day without a trace of MoonClan in her thoughts, she padded into the elders' den, perhaps to chat with some of the others.

While some of the cats were much older than her, Flameclaw enjoyed speaking with them and was even sometimes intrigued by the stories they'd tell to the kits. The stories were all new to her, and she longed to know more about SnowClan.

As she laid down in her nest, one of the new apprentices, Badgerpaw, entered into her den carrying moss in her mouth.

"Hello, Badgerpaw," Flameclaw mewed.

"I brought you some moss," the white and black she-cat squeaked.

"Thank you," Flameclaw purred.

She moved aside as the she-cat replaced her old moss with the new. Flameclaw felt it and laid down, letting out a purr.

"It feels delightful. You always get me the best moss."

The she-cat blushed. "Thanks, Flameclaw. You're a lot nicer about it too."

Flameclaw chuckled. "Better keep your voice down...or one of the elders may make you pick off their ticks."

She let out a tiny squeak and nodded. Then, she bounded away laughing, leaving Flameclaw to get comfortable in her new nest.

Barkfern entered shortly after and laid down beside her.

"Where's my new nest?" he asked.

"I guess your apprentice has been lazy," she teased.

He laughed and then glanced at her in all seriousness.

"And were you able to put everything out of your mind today?" he asked.

She nodded. "I took a nice nap too. I'm sorry for getting so worked up earlier. You're right. We are the safest we can be right now. I'll try to think of that from now on."

Barkfern smiled and licked her cheek. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Now let's get some rest."

She nodded and moved closer against him, his fur warming hers. Slowly, she fell asleep.

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