part 4

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When the bell finally rang, Mary Kate and I headed to our history class. Our history teacher, Mr. Collins, thought that we should have to take notes on his presentation instead of having fun like we did in other classes. Everyone scribbled random things onto their note sheets, barely paying any attention to him. Here is my note sheet:

Mr. Collins' 7th Period Class

Notes on Whatever Mr. Collins Rambled On About For the Whole Class

Hey Mary Kate! How boring is this! Twenty five minutes!

I know right! He rambles on forever! Twenty three minutes left until the end of school!

We should be able to have fun on the last day, not be bored to death! Twenty minutes left!

We should at least play a game in his class! Seventeen minutes left until the end of the day!

This is our last class with him, Forever! 15 minutes to end of school!

I know. I am so happy that I am done with his class! 12 minutes to end of school!

Are you actually taking notes on his presentation!? 10 minutes to end of school!

No!!! Never!!! I was doodling! I drew a cute giant fuzzy chipmunk! Ha ha ha ha! 8 minutes to end of school day!

What are you doing for summer vacation? 5 minutes to the end of freshmen year!

I am going to Hawaii for 3 weeks! What about you? It is going to be so fun! 3 minutes to the start of summer vacation!

That is so cool! I wish you could take me with you! I'm staying home, as far as I k now! 1 minute to the end of school day!

I love you, Callie! - Mary Kate! School is almost out! 10...9...8...

​The last bell finally rang, and most of the class crumpled up their note sheet and threw it in the trash can or at each other, despite Mr. Collins yelling at them to keep it because it was a 'valuable resource for their education'. Mary Kate and I walked out of his class room for the last time, thank goodness, and we walked down the hall way. Finally, the dismissal bell rang, signaling that we were dismissed from The North Miami Beach High School of Academic Success, until next year!

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