part 7

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Chapter Three


            When it was finally five fifteen, the volley ball teams started to practice before their game for five minutes.  After they finished practicing, the game started.  During the first five minutes the other team was winning, but after that Rhyan's team was scoring more than them.  At the end of the first game Rhyan’s team won with a score of twenty five to twenty one.  Now they have to play their second game.  When the game started, the other team was the first one to score.  After half of the game, the other team was still winning.  Rhyan's team lost this game twenty five to seventeen. 


Because both teams had won one game each, they played a third game to see who would be the winner.  When the last game started, Rhyan's team was winning.  When they had twenty four points, the other team only had sixteen points.  The other team scored the next point, so the score was twenty four to seventeen.  Finally, Rhyan's team scored a point, making the score twenty five to seventeen.  They won!!!! 


We started walking home.  Since our house is the farthest away from the school, we walked to Mary Kate and Rachel’s houses first.  First we got to Rachel’s house.  “Bye, Maddie!” she called.  “See you later, Rachel!” Maddie replied.  After we left, Connor started to run in the direction of our house.  “Connor!  We have to go to Mary Kate’s house first!”  I yelled after him.  He turned around and started walking back to us at a very slow pace.  “Connor, hurry up!” I yelled.  “I’m coming, I’m coming!” he screamed.  “Come faster, then!”  I told him.  He finally started to walk at a normal pace and soon reached where we were standing.  After we dropped off Mary Kate at her house, we started to walk back to our house. 


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