Part 9

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"How is it going back there, Dwayne?" questioned a voice from the front of the truck.

"Good. There has been little resistance so far. What should we do next, boss?" the taller of the two men said.

"Keep them there for a while longer. I want them to see something." he responded.

As the truck pulled to a screeching halt, I heard a door slam from the front of the truck. Soon, the trailer door opened. The two men moved to the side to reveal a very short man, also dressed in all black. He jumped up on to the trailer and walked inside. With the back doors open, the trailer looked surprisingly different. There was an oriental rug on the floor, and the walls were painted a light pink color.

"Get over here!" said Dwayne.

We stumbled over into the bright sunlight streaming through the doors. The short man slowly walked around us eyeing us carefully, as if we would attack him at any moment.

"Get out, now!" he shouted suddenly.

I jumped, startled, and then started to walk out of the trailer. When I was stepping out Dwayne pushed me, and I fell onto the road.

Once I stood up, I walked over to where Rhyan and Maddie were standing. When I got there, I gasped. The view was amazing. I could see for miles into a lush green valley with a clear blue river running through the middle. I could tell that we were on a long road that was winding up a tall mountain.

"Why would they bring us here?" I quietly asked Rhyan.

"I have absolutely no idea." she murmured.

"Get a good look, ladies. This is the last time you will see the outside world!" Dwayne exclaimed.

"Hey! I was supposed to tell them that!" said his partner.

While they were arguing, we exchanged a confused glance.

"Dave, wasn't I supposed to tell them that?" Dwayne's partner asked the short man.

"Dwayne, Rob! It doesn't matter!" Dave yelled.

"But... but... I wanted to say it!" Rob said.

"Too bad!" Dave roared at him.

Rob retreated to a corner while Dwayne sat there looking smug.

"Both of you get into the trailer and 'prepare' it for our guests!" Dave bellowed.

After he was done yelling, he turned to us.

"I apologize for my goons. They are new to the job."

We stared at him like he had three heads. He just kidnapped us, for goodness sake, and now he is apologizing for the inexperience of his 'goons?' I am officially confused. By the looks on their faces, Rhyan and Maddie were, too. After seeing our confused looks, Dave pushed us over to the side of the road. I looked down and gulped. Leading down to the lush valley was a jagged hillside covered in shards of rocks, embedded in clumps of mud.

"What are you-" I started to ask.

"Keep your mouth shut, Callie!" he roared.

"How does he know my name?" I wondered.

I decided to ask Rhyan or Maddie later.

Just then, Dwayne and Rob returned from the truck, and Rob said, "We have prepared the trailer, sir."

Escape (nanowrimo 2011)Where stories live. Discover now