Part 6

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When we finally calmed down, we finished our ice cream and checked the clock on the wall. It was already four thirty and Rhyan's volleyball game started at five fifteen. "Hurry up, guys! It is almost time to leave!" I said. Everyone quickly gobbled up the rest of their ice cream. We called the waitress over and asked for the bill. When she brought it over everyone put their money in the middle of the table. I paid for mine and Mary Kate's. Maddie paid for hers, Rachel's, and Connor's. The waitress came back over and collected the money.

When we walked outside in to the bright sunlight, I squinted my eyes from the light. We started walking back to The North Miami Beach High School of Academic Success to go to Rhyan's volleyball game. When we arrived at The North Miami Beach High School of Academic success, we saw that it was too early to go inside. We walked over to the North Miami Beach Elementary School for Advanced Learners and went to the playground in the back of the school. Connor started to play on the slides and monkey bars. The rest of us went over to the line of swings and sat down.

We decided to have a swinging contest. Connor ran over to join us. We all had to swing as high as we could. Maddie was the judge of who went the highest. Connor won the first two rounds and Mary Kate won the second two. We decided that they should have a face off on the two swings that were next to each other. They started swinging and we were all cheering for them. At first Mary Kate was going the highest, but towards the middle Connor was going the highest. At the end, Connor ended up winning, probably because he has more practice because he plays on the playground every day.

I checked my cell phone for the time and found out that it was five o'clock. "Come on, guys! Let's go to Rhyan's game now!" I yelled out to everyone. We walked back to The North Miami Beach High School of Academic Success in five minutes. When we got there it was five oh five and Rhyan's game would start in ten minutes. We walked inside and paid to get in to the gym. Before we went in the gym, we walked over to the concession stand. "Can we get popcorn, lemonade, lollipops, hot dogs, cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, and cookies?" Connor asked me excitedly. "Oh, you don't want to get a brownie?" I teased him. "Oh, yeah! I want that, too!" he exclaimed. "You can pick one, you silly little boy!" I told him. "Okay," he said grudgingly, "I guess I will have a big bag of popcorn, then." I bought him the bag of popcorn, and he ran into the gym to find us seats. After we all had bought a snack from the concession stand, we joined him in the gym.

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