He Does Try

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Hermione's Point Of View: 

"I don't think Ginny approves of us," George was saying. My head was resting against his bare chest and one of his arms was wrapped around me, holding me against him. Our quilt was tangled up amidst our legs, as was my thin night gown. 

The twins were asleep next door and it was our first chance for peace and quiet together in about two weeks, I loved them but they were so difficult to look after full time. 

George let out a yawn, and held his hand up to stifle it and I found myself yawning straight after him. I hated yawning; it made you feel so much more tired than you actually were. 

"I think we should get some sleep, it's a long day tomorrow." George decided and I agreed with him. Sitting up, he grabbed the quilt and untangled it before dragging it up the bed so that it covered us both. I resumed my position, with my head against his chest and my hands on his shoulders, and he rested one arm around my waist, the other tucked behind his head. 

"Good night."I muttered, my lips brushing softly against his chest. 

"Good night darling." 

I stiffened at the sudden name; he had never called me that before. I let my eyes stray up to his but I saw that his had already closed. He hadn't even noticed what he'd done yet there it was. 

Ignoring it, I tried to get some sleep but it wouldn't come easy to me. My mind kept slipping back to the wedding for some reason, a memory of Ginny pushing me towards Draco because she felt that we should still be together. 

I find myself slipping back into the world I had once lived in; the long walks, just Draco and I at all times of the year, all the nights we had spent together curled up and talking and how he had stood up to Goyle, just for me. 

You know when you think of someone and you either think of all the good things about them or all the bad things, never anywhere in the middle. Before last year I would have seen all the bad things, yet I can’t help but think about all our happy moments together.

Shutting my eyes, I tried to push all the thoughts from my mind and tried to concentrate hard on the sleep that refused to come to me. 

Despite that, it still took me a full half an hour before I managed to slip off to sleep. 

A loud wailing awoke me and I shook myself awake as I broke away from George. Dispelling the last flecks of sleep from my body, I rolled out of the bed and stumbled across the room as I slapped my hand against the wall to find the switch. The lights sparked up and George let out a groan as he dragged himself out of bed and across the room. He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me out of the room and down the hallway to the twin’s room. 

He clicked the light on and I saw them both lying in their cot with their mouths open screaming at the top of their lungs with everything they had. George went to pick up Serena while I grabbed Seth and we slowly rocked them in sync to each other as George wrapped his arm around my waist again, trapping the twins between us. 

"I can take it from here," he assured me as the twins slowly stopped crying, "Why don't you go get some sleep?" He recommended kindly. I thanked him and passed Seth to George before kissing him on the cheek. 

"See you in the morning." He waved me away with his head as his arms were full and, probably because I was so tired, I found it hilarious. 

Staggering back down the corridor, I collapsed onto my bed and let sleep en-case me in its strong grip. 


I found myself stood in the Hogwarts grounds. Everything looked so similar to the last time that I had been there, from the sloping emerald green banks to the inky black lake, with the large pale moon reflected a surface. The castle stood tall and proud behind me, its majestic structure standing out against the midnight blue night sky. The flashing small stars stood out in the darkness surrounding me, like the last light of hope in a never-ending tunnel. 

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