Chapter 8: New Feelings?

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Halsey's POV

Stupid why did you say that. Omg he probably thinks I'm a freak or something.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get uncomfortable"... I said laughing a little.

"No it okay, I'm actually really comfortable talking to you"... He said. I just smiled.

Kian's POV

I must admit I do have feeling for her. But its clearly that she's into Jack. I actually lied about trying to find Jack. I knew where he was but I wanted Halsey to find out so she can finally stop having feelings for him.

"Hey wanna go inside and dance"... I said.

"Yeah sure why not"... She said smiling. I grabbed her by the hand and we went inside. We started dancing and we kept drinking. The fifth song play and by now we were drunk asf.

"Hey Follow me".. I said laughing. I grabbed her by the hand and we went walking to a gas station. We were laughing so hard. We bought junk food, pop and peppermints.

"Ok ready"... I said.

"Yup".. She said laughing. We opened the the soda pop and added three peppermints. And we started running. I exploded like a fucking volcano. We starting laughing for no reason. We keep doing more until it started to rain really hard. Good thing my car was right there. I grabbed her by the hand and ran into my car all wet. We just started laughing. It then went silent. We just stared at each other for five minutes. Then I started leaning in for a kiss.

Kayla's POV
He leaning in. What should I do? Should I lean in too. I started leaning in but got interrupted. A hand slammed on the window. Like those in the scary movies. Me and Kian screamed so loud. But it was Jack. Great the least person I wanna see.

"Open the door".. He yelled. We did and he went on the back door soaking wet.

"I was looking for you guys"... He said patting our heads. Yep he's drunk.

" You scared the living shit out of me, I almost peed my pants"... I said annoyed, yet smiling cause it was kinda funny.

"But your not wearing pants"... He said. I just gave him a glare.

"What are you guys doing here anyways"... He asked.

"We got bored so we decide to have fun"...Kian said.

"Ohh I see, how big was it"... Jack asked.

"What? What do you mean how big was it"... I asked confused.

"How big was Kian's dick"... He said.

"What?! Omg my god we didn't mean that kind of 'fun'".... I said laughing.

"I swear Jack when you get drunk, you get more stupid"...I said laughing. Kian was just dying of laughter. (Kian's laugh is just so adorable, sorry I had to say it)

"Let's go back to the party guys"... I said and we got out the car and went to back to the party.


Ugh I woke up in the morning with a major hangover. My head was killing me. I realized I was at my house. Jack or Kian must of brought me here. I went downstairs to get a Advil pill for my headache. I then heard someone in the living room. It was my older brother Justin. Great. I wonder what today's lesson gonna be.. Hurray!


Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter. Don't forget to vote please. It really means a lot to me. I updated to my other story called " I'm in love with a bad boy" so if you wanna check that out I would really appreciate it. Wells that's all guys hope you like it bye💖👋🏻

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