A Not So Normal Teenage Life Part 3

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Now eddy isn't one to show worry, only for when his brother came back home a few times. But now seeing his friend lying there on the medical wing bed  he was worried.

"So how did this happen again Eddy?" The nurse asked as she check edds vitals for the third time.

"I told you already he just passed out for no reason. He was talking to himself then passed out, don't blame this on me Ms. Bell I didn't do anything." Eddy almost screamed folding his arms and plopping down in a chair on the far wall.

Ed sitting next to bed, his face etched in worry for his smart beanie wearing friend. "Ms. Bell is double D going to be Ok?"

The nurse, ms bell didn't know what to say. From what they have told her, he should have woken up by now. But if he did faint before they caught him than his head hit the concrete hard. 'If only the other doctor was here to help, I need to tell the headmaster we need more doctors instead of just two. For moments like these.'

With a sigh and tucking someone blond hair behind her ear she look ed at both of ed boys. "Look boys I don't really know I looked over his head at least 5 times now. There's no blood, knot, or cut and all the x rays and test came back just fine. I don't know why he collapsed. And I really can't do much else for him without his parents consent and you both know that isn't an option."

Ed and Eddy looked to the ground they both knew that asking permission will never be an option. Unlike the other cul du sac teens parents, Eddwards parents weren't assassins, but world renowned doctors, surgeons, and authors of their own books about different treatments. However, to the teens they were two cold hearted asshole parents who didn't give any shit about their son. The parents knew, but could do anything, although Mr and Ms Vincent weren't assassins they had connections in the world. Also Eddward never voiced a complaint or told anyone of his parents treatment to him so it was out of their hands. Although they could voice their dislike, and that's just what the did.

"Tsk I don't the will even give any consent even if they knew what was wrong with him." Eddy whispered half said as his rage began to rise.

"Eddy you know we're not support to say stuff like that around double D." Ed hissed through his teeth as he glared at his short friend.

"What it's true, they wouldn't, and his still ko'd so he can't hear me say that his parents are scumbags full of shit!" Eddy stood up, the chair crashing to floor with a loud bang.

A few moments went by of the two eds staring each other down intensely.

The door opened and a head full of orange hair popped in."Hey Ms. Bell do you have any gauzes, Nat - Um did I interrupt something?"

"No Kevin you didn't and why do you need gauzes for Nathan?" Ms. Bell asked as she began walking to the cabinets.

"Well he tried to flirt with Rave again and this time he had his machete with him and cut Nat's hand pretty deep when he tried to grab his ass." Kevin said walking in the room his eyes landing on the occupied bed.

"Hm Ok than I'll just wait WHAT! HE DOESN'T NEEDS GAUZES HE NEEDS STITCHES." She screamed as she grabbed the first aid kit heading for the door. "Ok now you two stay here Kevin you say with them. I don't want to come back and the room is disaster like last time." with that she was out the door to help a bleeding peacock.

"So," The redhead turned his head toward the shortest of the trio. "What happened to the double dweeb skipper?"

By now Eddy was fuming with unleashed anger "why is everyone always blaming me for this he just passed out nothing more. Why do you want to know shovel-chin."

"Woah calm down dork I was just wondering that's all." Kevin said as he sat on the other side of double D.

"Right just 'wondering' haha." Eddy snickered at Kevin and his lame excuse.

Slightly blushing Kevin gave Eddy an eerie look. "What's that suppose to mean dorkie."

By now the snickering became full blown belly laughing."Oh nothing it's nothing haha."

It was no secret that Eddy and Kevin were slowly becoming friends but still enemies. It's also wasn't a secret that after the 2 and a half year assassin training, that Eddward held a special place in Kevin's heart than anyone else. Having seeing the tender moments between them, the other assassins tease both of the oblivious teens.

"I would shut up if I was you Skipper." Kevin growled, the blush gone and his right hand reaching for his pistol.

"Oh really monkey boy who's going to make me?" the laughing has stopped and Eddy is reaching for his would gold gun too.

Standing in between the two load assassins Ed finally spoke "Guys no shooting in the medical wing or I'll break both of your hands with those guns got it."

Both Eddy and Kevin paled at the threat of the giant Ed.

A few tense moments went by until...

From the medical bed Eddward shot up screaming bloody murder.

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