Unexpected pt 3

39 6 1

Knock knock knock

"Mr.Vincent may I come in please?"

"Yes you may Sally."

The door opened and a woman about 5'4 walks in, the dark bland asian style, office. When she stood in the middle of the room she bowed from her waist her hand to her side. "I am sorry for interrupting you sir, i promise it will not happen again i-"

"Sally stop your babbling and get on with it, you are wasting my time now and my time is very precious to me." Mr.Vincent stood from his desk and walked to the shaded windows. His black dress shoes clicking with every step he took. "So if you are done wasting my time, tell me why you have unwelcoming presented yourself in my office and be on your way out."

"Yes Mr.Vincent I came to tell you your wife is here and-" Sally was interrupted by the sound of flesh hitting a hard surface. Startled she looked up to see her boss with standing in front of the window with his hand raised and against the wallpapered surface. Her eyes traveled to his face, his green eyes usually cold and uncaring,were in this moment fill with irritation and disgust.

"Why did you not tell me earlier that my wife was here?"

"I tried to-"

"There is no excuse for this Sally! First you waste my time with your presents, then you give me news that i should have received when you first came in. Now my darling wife is somewhere in the building where you LEFT her alone-"

"I'm sorry Mr.Vincent."

"Now you dare interrupt me, I should-"

"Now darling go easy on the poor thing,it's probably hard for her understand common sense like we do."

Both Sally and Mr.Vincent both look toward the office door where the voice was heard. A woman about 5'6 stood proud and bold. Her black hair was down in thick wavy curly, she had light make up. She wore a silk navy blue dress shirt that was tucked into a black pencil skirt, her pale white legs were enclosed in black stockings. On her feet were navy blue stilletos heels. She held a white and black purse in one hand while the other rested on her hip.

"Cassandra are you ok honey?"

Cassandra smiled and walked into the office, towards her husband never acknowledging the other person in the room. "Yes sweetie I am all right you should not worry about me so much. It is not healthy for you." she stood in front of him and began to fix his white tie and smooth over his suit jacket. "Now I need to talk to you," she turned her head to the side and gave Sally a rude 'leave now' look. "Alone, so if you can leave Cally."

Not wanting to be in anymore trouble she quickly left the office and closed the door shut.

Turning her attention back to her husband's suit she gave it a once over before pushing off of him and walking to the checkered designed couch. "she seems like a nuisance. We do not need people like her around us, remember we must be surrounded by perfection, not bumbling idiots like her.

"Yes I will deal with her later, but darling what did you want to descuse with me."

"Oh yes how long has it been since we have seen our darling son Eddward Lance?"

Lance raised an eyebrow and walked to the couch where his beloved sat. "Hm i can't remember, perhaps last year sometime, why do you ask?"

Cassandra holds out her hand as he begins to move closer and holds it in his. "I think it is about time we see our son again don't you think so. If i'm not mistaken he re-entered school again and his birthday is coming up as well and we can't miss this brithday. No matter what."

Lance's eyes widen but then relaxed as he gave a small wicked smile at the end of his wife's sentence. "Yes you are right we can't miss this birthday but before we go I have a small matter to attend to and so do you if i am not mistaken?" he let go of her hand and walked to his desk heading for the phone.

"Hm my business can wait a while long. I'll just wait for you to finish yours and it shouldn't take long right dear."

"No not at all it will only take a second," he smiled and pushed the button on the intercom phone "Jeffery can you please send Sally Road to my office now."


Peach Creek Lunch


"I'm telling you guys that teacher is out to get me. It's not my fault that his hair style makes him look like a mushroom."

The taller of the 3 smiled down at his steaming 5'2 foot friend. "Eddy didn't you shout out in the whole class saying IT'S MUSHROOM HEAD!"

Eddy snapped his head to the side towards his friend."Trust me lumpy if you saw him you would call him mushroom head too. Anyways how did you know what I called him you're not in my history class."

"Johnny is and his in my english class right after your class."

"Huh talk about luck huh sockhead? .......... Sockhead?" the two ed's turn to look at tier smarter half.

Snapping out of his trance he look over the lunch table."Huh oh my apologies Eddy I did not hear you can please repeat your last sentence?"

"Are you ok double D you have been spacing out a lot lately. More than usual." Ed asked his mother hen coming out.

Giving a small smile to his giant friend, trying to reassure him that he was all right. "Yes I am fine I just have a ton on my mind right now is all."

"Oh yeah your birthday is coming up, not to mention that big test you have to take sooner or later, and with school plus our extracurricular activity i'm surprised your head didn't explode yet with all things that's going on."he mumbled taking a bit out of his pizza and drink of his cherry coke.

Eddward grimaced at his friend, "Eddy please don't talk with your mouth full and perhaps I have been a bit stressed out."

"Well maybe I can help you destress honey."

All three of the boys froze, an unpleasurable shiver went down their back as arms thrusted themselves around their necks.

"Look girls they're so happy to see us they're shocked speechless."

"K-K-KANKER'S!"The boys shouted struggling to remove the sisters arms from around them.

"The one and only sweetums. Now how about a little kiss for your girlfriend."Marie, the second oldest of the sisters, turned Edds head and puckered her lips and tried leaning forward against Edds hands.

"Marie please cease and desist please !" Edd pleaded as he tried to push her away gently."

"I will as so as I get a kiss."

"He said stop you blue haired freak!"  

The Boy and The DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora