Hell is High School

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The Barr Residence

“Sweetie are you in there?” a voice laced with with honey and a thick Irish accent come from the door.  “The other parents are here now so come out.” pressing her ear to the door she heard a faint ‘okay’ and shuffling. Smiling she lightly shakes her head making her curly auburn hair bounce around.

Walking away from the door humming carelessly, stopping at the stairs she spoke aloud so everyone in the house could hear. “Well honey if your not down here soon I might accidentally show our nice friends here some pictures of some of our own missions. Maybe I'll show the one’s from Peru or the one’s from Russia.” By this time she made it down stair only stopping when she heard a loud curse and frantic shuffling.

Smiling to herself she walk into her living room occupied by the other cul du sac parents. “So Olivia,” an African american women smirked from her spot on the sofa, “ What happened in Peru."

Before she could open her mouth a hand covered her lips. “None of your business Cora.”

“Oh come on Charlie that's not fair you know all of our embarrassing moments on missions so why can’t we know yours?” a brunette woman next to Cora questioned crossing her arms and giving the red haired man a small pout.

Removing his hand from his wife’s mouth to her side “ Well I am the one that has to read all the reports after a mission is done Stephanie, so it can't be helped that I know what goes on the missions. However, if you all want to talk about embarrassing missions I think we should start with what happened in Hong Kong or maybe Hawaii?” hearing the last words that left his mouth both women visible paled as their own memories surfaced in their heads. Smiling Charlie continued, “ As much fun as that would be we need to discuss more important matters.”

Like a flip of a coin everyone’s moods dropped, the comfortable atmosphere became tense. Each person in the room aside from the Barr's and Nana searched with their eyes to see if anything seems abnormal. “ Do not worry friends I have already made sure that our conversation will not be heard from unwanted ears yes.” hearing their very old friend voice with calmness put some of the guest at ease and took away some of the tense air.

“ If you say so Nana but it never hurts to be too careful right?” closing his eyes the man leaned slightly against the end of the sofa next a woman with brown hair and brown eyes who had a smile on her lips.

“Says the man that nearly got his hand blown off last week and whose motto is to live life to the fullest no matter the risk. I’m very glad that our little girl takes after me instead of you and Ed.” The woman sighed thinking about her oldest son and all of the craziness he has done as a child.

“Patrick, Laura as much as we would like to listen about you kids we need to stay on topic here.”

“Thank you Marco, anyways a while ago our friends contacted me saying that they can be here in the next days or so.” looking at everyone in the room charlie saw each of their faces twist with worry, concern, and joy.

“Wait, i thought that if they come through the door to soon they would  be closed off and would have to start the whole process over again?” leaning forward Cora’s red, brown, and gold dreads falling around her face as her light brown eyes shifted toward her long time friends.

Nodding her head slightly olivia began to play with her ring “We thought the same, but they told us that the energy is draining faster than they thought it would. So they can come way sooner than originally planned which is fantastic news but also means more trouble for everyone here. Julien here can help more with the details then I can.”

Hearing her name she straightened up a bit pushing her blonde hair behind her ear a bit. “Well I don't know how much detail I can give but I'll try.” taking a big breath she continued “As you all know Eddward was put in the infirmary a couple of days ago for mysteriously passing out after coming back to headquarters right.”

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