The Beginning

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"Eddward where are you?" a little boys voice cried out, "Eddward please this isn't funny anymore,Eddward?"

Eddward squeezed his eyes more and covered his small ears tighter, 'leave me alone. You don't understand no one does not mamma, daddy, or you just leave me alone!' screaming in his mind never noticing the little boys voice drawing closer or the shadows moving around his body.

"Eddward? Eddward snap out of it Edd-"

"-Ward wake up."

Eddwards eyes snapped opened, then immediately close from the blinding light. Groaning he shielded his eyes with his arm as they began to adjust. "What happened? where am i ?"

"The nurse's office remember we were playing dodgeball during p.e. and some juniors thought it was funny to aim for our heads. One hit you pretty hard in the head than you fell face first to the ground."

Groaning more he move to lay on his side, opening his eyes he looked up to the freckled green eyed man. "Well Eddy did warn me about being fresh meat. What time is it and why aren't you in class?"

Kevin smiled 'same old dork,' "It's 3:39 school let out about an hour ago, you've been out since fourth period dude." his smile grew bigger when edd practically jumped up off the in surprise and alarm.

"What oh lord my classes, my notes, my assignments why did you let me sleep for so long kevin and why didn't you go to class after bringing me here, you education is in jeopardy just like mine!" Edd's mind began to reel, he could feel his emotions begin to bubble up inside. An image of two angry and disappointed face manifested in his mind.

"Whoa dork don't blow a fuse it's okay it's not like it's the end of the world or something. Plus it's only the first week not a lot of teachers hand things out or give homework so you it's fine." his smile disappearing from his face he moved closer to gapped toothed teen and placed a steady hand on his shaky shoulders.

Tensing up Edd moved his eyes up to stare into emerald like eyes. His shallow like breathes begun to slowly even out, the hurricane of emotion begun to slow down as the two phantom images became nothing more than a memory in the pools of green.

So wrapped up in each other neither noticed the other leaning in or the office door opening.

"Okay Kevin has Eddward woken up yet, his parents will be here oh my." As quick as a whip both teens jumped away from each other, their faces exploding in a deep red blush. "Oh i'm sorry if i was interrupting anything i just wanted to know if Eddward was awake, his parents are coming to pick him up in a few minutes."

"Mother and father are back? They're coming to get me?"the words slowly came out as if he was trying to understand what the words meant.

The earlier moment forgotten as well as the blush on Kevin's face. A face of worry and concern replaced his red face as Edd continued to stay silent. "Hey dork you good,"

"Hm i am alright Kevin thank you for staying here with me while i was unconscious. Also i wanted to ask if you wanted a ride home?" standing up he began to stretch out his bones popping.

Getting up he rubbed the back of his neck his emotions never faltering, but a light blush dusted his cheeks faintly. "Yeah it was no problem i didn't want any more upperclassmen to do something to you while you were knock out. Thanks for letting me stay here with him Mrs. Ford."

"It was no problem Mr.Barr i'm glad to help a nobel cause"smiling she winked at the red head her eyes gleaming with something kevin couldn't identify.

"We should go kevin we can't keep mother and father waiting," grabbing his arm Edd tugged him out of the office towards the school entrance to wait for his parents.

Meanwhile at the Celtic Island


"Welcome how are you guys?"

"Hey Steve what's up can I get two of my usual for me and this fine piece of ass right here."

"I swear goldberg i will throw you in a bath of acid if don't stop."

"Oh come on Rave you can't deny it i know that you love me," Nat smirked securing both arms around Raves waist and pulled him towards his body.

Rave scoffed"Yeah i love you as much as i love drinking kerosene and dancing the hokey pokey naked. Now let go of me or i'll give you another cut to match the one i gave you last week."

Dislodging one arm he smiled at Rave "As much as i like the idea of you marking my body i'm afraid i will have to pass on this one love. Next time and maybe you can mark me in a different way that doesn't involve a blade."

Before he could smack the golden eyed man two plates of of burgers and fries appeared in front of them. "There you go two of our famous burger with sea salt fries and sour apple lemonade enjoy."


"Welcome have a seat someone will help you in a bit,"

"Hi actually we're looking for Mr and Mrs. Barr are they here yet?"

"No sorry I think they are on their way please take a seat at the bar, while i give the a call."

"Thank you um Grace, come on honey,"the man gently pulling his tired looking wife by the hand, catching before she fell. "I told you not to exert yourself too much on the way here."

"I'm fine Ian we needed to get here fast anyway, a bit of exhaustion won't stop me from finding and tearing those two s.o.b's to shreds. Now if will help me to the bar so i can order a nice alcoholic drink that will be swell."

Shaking his head he pick up his wife and sat her down on the stool next Rave. "We will talk about those two later right now a drink sounds nice order me one too i need to make a phone call real quick." kissing her cheek he headed outside.

Blowing out a breathe she looked up at the menu on the wall. "excuse me can i get a mount gay rum hold the coke and a gin and tonic please."

"And some brandy too, if it's not too much trouble...ow James that hurt."

"I'll stop when you stop asking random people for a drink .I'm sorry miss please pay him no attention i think the chemical from his hair dye soaked into his brain."

"It's ok sweetie i don't mind do you want one too."

"Are you offering these kids alcohol Ava?"

"What, no of course not why do you think i'm always doing something wrong?"

"Because i know you and it's you Ava you're always up to something bad."

"Yet you still love me."

"I think he's too scared to not." a gruff voice chuckled behind Ian.

Turning around Ian stared down the larger man."I am not scared of my wife Charlie."

"Yes he is." Ava sounded a smile on her face as she sipped her drink.

Olivia smiled at her husband and friends then turn the two pre teens."Hello Nathan and Rave i see you've met our friend Ava and her husband Ian. Savanna and Ian Vincent."

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