Fate From a Wedding (4)

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Prompt: Your best friend, Jung Jiwoo, is getting married, and you're one of the bridesmaids. It just so happens that her younger brother, Jung Hoseok, is the Best Man.


You fluttered your eyes as you woke up, trying to get the weariness out of them and your whole system as you adjusted to the bright lights and to the fact that you were now awake.

There were arms around your waist, and you could feel a naked body pressing against your own. The other body had a steady breathing pattern as their chest lifted up and down, indicating that they were still asleep.

Taking a glance upwards at who the person was, you found it to be Jiwoo's little brother, Hoseok. You blinked a few times, making sure that you were actually seeing this correctly. His eyes were closed, and his lips were parted just a smidge, despite that he was breathing through his nose, as you could feel the blow of air hitting the very tips of your cheeks in a tickle. And even though his mouth was open, he wasn't drooling. His bangs fell over his eyes only slightly, choppily cut yet neatly aligned as they covered his forehead. The hold he had on you was loose, but you were still close to him, indicating he was deep within his dreams and it didn't appear as if he would be waking up anytime soon. He looked truly at peace.

Thoughts of last night and what the two of you had done raced through your mind, but you didn't feel yourself panicking. You remembered how tenderly he was with you, how soft his lips were when they pressed against yours or any part of your skin. Even during and after the sexual intercourse that took place, he had been sweet. He had kissed your head before you went to sleep, and it made you feel slightly confused as you thought it over.

You were aware he said he had romantic feelings as well as sexual ones for you. It seemed like he viewed you in a more lustful way, but part of you did think that maybe the alcohol did push him a bit, and it overshadowed the chaste side he had when it came to you. Regardless, he was still careful of all he did to you last night, and it made you feel a little happy. It wasn't that you expected to end up with Hoseok like this, nor that you necessarily wanted to (at first), but there was potential for the two of you, as weird as it sounded. The two of you had practically just met yesterday, but it wasn't as if you were complete strangers; you just never had bothered to speak to one another. And even though it seemed like this could be a good thing, you weren't going to rush it. As of right now, it was just a hook up, and if you wanted to pursue this, you would go out on a date with him, at the very least.

Sluggishly, you pulled yourself away from his body and out of his arms, sitting up on the edge of the bed as you stretched out your arms and yawned quietly. You shook your head a little to get out any other trace of fatigue that nestled itself in your veins and pulsed throughout them, rolling your shoulders back for the same effect.

You stood up, walking over his tossed clothes to get to your dresser. You opened three separate drawers to obtain a new pair of underwear, a baggy t-shirt, and pajama shorts. Glancing back at Hoseok, you figured that maybe you should give him a change of clothes, too. He shouldn't have to go home in his suit. You opened up another drawer which revealed several pairs of boxers you had bought, pulling one out. It may seem odd that you owned them, but there was a time where you had worn one of your (now ex) boyfriend's. You found that they were comfy as hell, so you took it upon yourself to purchase some after you ended the relationship with him. You reopened one of the drawers to pull out another tee that was like a dress on you, and then another in which you obtained sweatpants.

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