Fate From a Wedding (5)

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Hello! Just letting everyone know that I have a tumblr:


which I am more active on and it has more of my fics and most of them are completed. So, please follow me there!

Thank you,




Prompt: Your best friend, Jung Jiwoo, is getting married, and you're one of the bridesmaids. It just so happens that her younger brother, Jung Hoseok, is the Best Man.


After Hoseok left your apartment and made his way back home (he also did text you, saying hello with both an emoji and a heart), you decided to sit down on your couch and watch television. It was still morning, although almost afternoon, since the time on the cable box read 11:35 a.m., but barely any time had passed between when he departed and when you plopped yourself on the sofa, only about half an hour to forty-five minutes had gone by.

In the middle of your spree, there was a vibration which came from your phone, which happened to be on the coffee table in front of where you were currently laying, that created a loud sound as it moved against the wood, causing you to jump slightly. You had been somewhat dozing off; ready to sleep as your eyes had been closed and you were lying comfortably against the arm of the couch. With a huff, you realized that you should probably answer that text, so you sluggishly sat up and grabbed your phone, unlocking it so you could read and respond to the message.

Oh my god. You had sex with my brother?

Your eyes widened at the text, and you didn't even need to look at the name on the top of the conversation to know who sent that message. Quickly, you replied, before the sender could get any more frantic than they already seemed to be.

Jiwoo, please, it just kind of happened.

Pursing your lips into a frown, you began to fret. Hoseok definitely didn't seem like he would tell anyone, since he kept it a secret from Hyejeong over the call, and that would have to include his sister, right? Why would he even tell her about this when the relationship between the three of you would be complicated? He was her literal little brother, and you were her figurative little sister, which were two things that did not mix. Even though she had egged you on to talk to him, you didn't think she wanted this.

Your phone vibrated again, and so you hurriedly scanned over the message.

I mean not that I'm angry or anything. Actually this may be something good but really I thought you were just going to get his number and be friends with him and whatever and that'd be it and stuff but my gosh, Y/N. You seriously did that?

You didn't want to lie to Jiwoo, really, and you had pretty much just admitted it in your first response, so you should stick to your story and confirm her thoughts, shouldn't you? Hopefully she was being truthful when she said she wasn't upset.

If I'm going to be honest, yes. But, did he tell you?

After sending the message, you grabbed the remote, on the table, turning off the television so that way the background noise wouldn't distract you. You needed to clear your head so you could think about this properly, since she was definitely going to ask several questions and you didn't necessarily think over what happened between yourself and Hoseok.

Several agonizing seconds of you staring at your phone passed before she said anything back, much to your relief. If Hoseok did tell her, you wanted to know, so that you could confront him about it.

Jung Hoseok x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum